Chapter 16||

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Alex's POV

Is this seriously happening right now?! I literally just got pup back and now someone is intruding?! The world must really hate me. I look at pup and there's tears in his eyes I can tell he's scared. "Pup, I'm going to see what's going
on. When I get out of our room lock the door and don't open it for anyone unless you know that's it's me."

"O-Okay, Be c-careful please."

"I will, I promise."

I go out of our bedroom and run downstairs, what the hell is going on down here! "Zack, Ryland what's going on." I say using my stern alpha voice and they look up at me and Zack answers me.

"Alpha, there's a rouge, he's here for the Luna! We know he's somewhere on our territory but we can't find him, he's so fast."

"I'll get him. Do everything you can to make sure no one gets into the pack house. I'll track this bastard down."

"Yes alpha."

I smell an unfamiliar sent and run to the back of the pack house to see a guy.


                                                        Male                                                     Age: unknown                                                     Rank: rouge leader                                                   ...

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                                                     Age: unknown
                                                     Rank: rouge leader

"This property belongs to the BloodMoon Pack. You are trespassing, leave my pack's territory now or I'll make you." The stranger looks at me and smirks crazily.

"Hehe, you must be Alex. I've been looking forward to this."

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Hmm, well... I would love for your little mate to be in my arms where he belongs. And I can promise you that I'm not leaving without you."

Who does this fucker thing he is?! "Well then, if that is the truth I'm just gonna have to kill you. Jame belongs to me he's my mate for a reason." I growl at him and he laughs before saying cockily:

"Caiden.... knock him out."


James's POV

Alex kisses me on the forehead and then leaves the room and I lock the door behind him. I feel so pathetic and useless staying in here unable to help anyone. Geez I really am a nuisance.

My arm, it itches so much I could just- THUD!

What was that noise!? "A-Alex?!"

I cautiously walk up to the door, my legs and hands shaking as I unlock the door and turn the doorknob. I need to see what's going on downstairs.

I know I'm supposed to stay here but that noise wasn't so promising and heck maybe it's not the best to be trapped in this room in a situation like this so...

I'm getting out of this fricken room.

Im able to open the door and before I step out of the room completely I look around a bit. I don't see anything so I step out and walk downstairs quietly. When I get downstairs I see Zack and Ryland knocked out on the ground looking pretty beat up.

What happened down here? I look out the window and see someone behind Alex and knocking him out fast. Omg. What the hell am I supposed to do?! I, fulling running on anxiety adrenaline run outside "Alex?!" There are two men out there a couple feel away from Alex.

I recognize the one guy from when I got lost in the forest but I don't recall ever seeing the other one. They notice me and turn to look at me. Oh shoot, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to yell.

"Oh, there you are darling, we've been looking for you. Haven't we Caiden?"

"Yes, indeed we have." Says the one who's apparently Caiden.



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                                         Male                                         Age: unknown                                       Rank: rouge                                      Height: 6'0                                       "P-Please l...

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                                         Age: unknown
                                       Rank: rouge
                                      Height: 6'0
"P-Please leave m-me alone I-I don't know you t-two. A-And you just k-knocked o-out my m-mate and Z-Zack and R-Ryland?! W-Why are you doing t-this?"

"Oh sweetie, it's because.... we want you. Oh and by the way, my name is Andrew."

I see Andrew signal something to Caiden and then Caiden starts to walk towards me. I back away and then start trying to run away but they both grab me by the arms and I feel a pinch on my neck, they injected something into me. Crap.

Everything starts to spin and then it all goes black.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Make sure to comment and vote for more chapters! And I'm sorry that the last two chapters have been a bit short.
Word count: 747
Cya cuties? <3

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