Chapter 22||

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Alex's POV


A second chance?"

Andrew looks up at me with pleading eyes and says

"Would you really do that? After all I have done?"

And I've got one word for him 😔....

"Nope." 😈

I pounce on Andrew as fast as I can knocking the wind out of him and holding my hands tightly around his throat. He looks up to me with a shocked and angered expression and I growl at him menacingly.

"I can't believe that you believed, even for a second. That I would let you survive after what you have done to James MY JAMES. I'm going to admit that I didn't quite plan on destroying you but now that I have seen the conditions that my mate has been kept in for the last few days I'm REALLY thinking I should. And I'm going to."

I get off the ground and stand up, with Andrew's neck in hand. I look over at Andrea and tell her to bring James out to one of our vans outside and to please watch over him until I'm done with this bastard.

Once she's out of the room I look at Andrew and Yeet that boi (😂 I'm having too much fun writing this)

By now his "henchmen" have started attacking me. But they don't get between me and Andrew's fight, my betas start fighting them. Then I notice that Andrew has catches his breath and is starting to get up.

Not on my watch.

I grab his shoulders and can barely hold back my wolf from completely ripping Andrew apart.

Not that I would really mind tho.

I step back away from Andrew to try to get Dante under my control but he's completely enraged at Andrew just as I am.

My will to hold him back decreases just enough for him to surface. And he does.

Dante's POV (this is a first)



Andrew try's to shift into his wolf form too when he sees Dante surfaced but he's too injured and weak to transform.

Dante takes advantage of this and pounces onto Andrew. Biting his neck with brutal force.

(Bye bye Andrew 👋🏻)

Once Andrew's body is limp and lifeless on the ground Dante shifts back so Alex can be in "human form".

Alex's POV

Alex takes a look at his betas and see that they have won their fight against the henchmen, and won. Not surprised tho.

They are very strong werewolf's.

I signal Andreas pack and the other allies who were fighting in the front to retreat. We have what we came for and now I need to make sure James is okay. He could be sick from the conditions of this place.

I take one last look at Andrew. And walk away.

Time to see pup.

James's POV
(Alex is back at the car and being driven to his pack house by his betas)

I wake up inside of a black vehicle and panic for a moment before I notice is holding me in his lap. "A-Alex." I try to speak more to him but say my throat is as dry as sand and all that comes out are coughs.

I'm surprised that I just started showing signs of illness now. Or maybe I did and just didn't notice because I was too busy having panic attacks the whole time.

But I'm also surprised to see Alex, but I guess I'm not too, I'm his mate after all. But I was honestly starting to question wether or not he was coming for me. I guess I do have some trust issues from when I was living with my old pack. Everyone who loved me or was supposed to love me left me in a basement to rot.

Alex looks down at me. "Shhh, don't speak pup you'll hurt your throat. You're safe now don't worry love. We'll be home soon." He nuzzles his head into my neck gently and holds me tight, as if someone were to take me if he let go.

I'm not complaining at all though, this is what we need after being apart from each other.

~ Time Skip brought to you by Denki ~

Alex's POV

We have arrived at the pack house a few minutes ago and James is asleep in my arms. Once I have reached our room I lay him down in our bed so he can continue sleeping comfortably.

I go downstairs to get a glass of water for when James wakes up. I come back upstairs into our room and place the glass on the nightstand before laying beside James in bed, watching over him.

I'll let him sleep for a couple hours and when he wakes up I'll give him a nice warm bath and soft clean cloths. I'll also give him some medicine. The thing I really don't need him to feel right now is discomfort. I will ask him what happened while he was with Andrew when he is ready to talk about it.

If his depression and anxiety has worsened from this whole "experience" he has gone through I'll speak to the pack therapist to see if he needs sessions or medication to help cope.

I want him to feel okay.

I want him to feel safe.

I love him so much.

It's a bit of a short chapter but it's full of events so I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!
Vote, comment, and follow (if you want to lol) for more chapters!
Word count: 919
Cya cuties! <3

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