Chapter 24||

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James's POV

To my surprise I wake up before Alex. So I manage to wiggle out if his grip and try to head downstairs. But the second I try I realize that I'm still frickin crippled and am still have problems with walking and standing so I fall over. Though I don't feel myself hit the ground. Just as I was about to Alex grabbed the back of my shirt, keeping me from hitting the ground.

He lifts me up into our bed and glares at me.

"So.. you're awakeeee..."

He continues to glare at me and I look down at the bed.

"What exactly were you trying to accomplish from that?"

It takes me a minute to reply to him since I actually have no idea. "Uhhh, I don't know." He shakes his head and chuckles. And then pulls me over onto his lap. "Are you hungry pup?" He asks me as he plays with my collar. And I nod to him. He picks me up and we make and eat breakfast together.

After breakfast Alex I'm mostly home alone at the pack house because Alex has a bunch of meetings to go to with most of our pack members. I'm not going because the place the meeting is held at is kinda sketchy and if anything happened there I'd be very vulnerable due to the fact that I'm still recovering from the kidnapping.

I'm thinking of going on a little walk around our territory. I've been cooped up inside for too long and need to stretch out my legs. I can walk and stand pretty well but running isn't an option. I'll make sure to stay on pack territory so I don't get lost and to be careful to look out for rouges that could be trespassing on our territory.

If I do spot someone I'll just come back inside and tell Dakota, Andrea's mate. They are here at the pack house with me since Andrea is going to the same meeting as Alex and we like having Andrea and Dakota around. Me and Dakota have actually become pretty good friends and I'm glad, Dakota is super friendly and fun to be around. Dakota is asleep right now but I'd make sure to wake them up if someone is on the territory that shouldn't be so we can call our mates.

So I go upstairs and change, today isn't supposed to be warm, the highest temperature today is supposed to be fithteen degrees celsius. Which isn't too cold but it's 11 degrees celsius which is pretty chilly. But it isn't as cold as the usual autumn weather that we usually get.

I end up just throwing on my pink sweatshirt and some grey sweatpants.

Then I go outside and walk on a little trail that the pack made to a lake on pack territory. I haven't seen it yet and I'm super curious. I love lakes. I won't be able to swim in it since swimming takes up a lot of energy, that I don't have right now. But I can skip rocks and put my feet in a bit.

The trail isn't a long one, it's been about five minutes and I can see the lake. There isn't any sand/beach area around it, there's just a bunch of rocks and dirt. But hey, a lake is a lake and it's cool. I found a tall-ish rock that I can sit on and see the water better so I push myself up onto it with my arms.

For a while I just watch the water and everything feels so peaceful and calm. This would be a good place to draw if I had my sketchbook here. I'll make sure to bring it next time I am here by myself.

~ time skip to like 45 minutes later brought to you by my last two brain cells ~

Okay, I've explored the area a bit, saw some cool rocks and hung out here for long enough. I'm pretty sure Dakota will wake up soon or is already awake. And I don't want them to have a heart attack over waking up not knowing where I am at all. I should've left a note, I could've stayed here longer that way.

But honestly I'm pretty okay with going home now, my legs are starting to hurt from exploring and walking around and I'm tired. I think I may just stay at home and hang out with Dakota for the rest of the day or until Alex gets home.

So I start walking the trail back to the pack house. The walk is pretty nice, especially with all the trees and forestry around it. It makes Quinn happy and feel at home, I kinda wish it was a longer walk.

By the time I'm at the pack house it is 12:00 pm (noon) and I'm sure that Dakota is awake, but hey, it's Dakota. They could sleep all day if they wanted to. So I honestly didn't know if I should step into the house being tackled and interrogated or having to go upstairs and drag them out of bed.

The second option sounds kinda fun but I think I would be safer just letting them sleep until they wake up by themselves. You should not disturb a sleepy Dakota, unless you have a death wish or unless you are Andrea because Dakota may be small but they are vicious.

I honestly don't know how Andrea controls her little demon. But it's cute that she can.

I have walked into the pack house and haven't been tackled so that leaves me to guess that Dakota is asleep. My legs feel very sleepy so I go into the living room and flop on my favourite couch. I stay laying down on the couch for about ten minutes before I see Dakota come down stairs with curly bed head and a little blanket wrapped around their shoulders.

Once they notice me they smile and lay down on the other end of the couch that I'm on. After talking to them about where everyone has gone we decide to watch a movie and just chill out until our mates come home. Both of us gave ourselves a bowl of cereal since it's basically lunch time now.

Well, it's both lunch and breakfast for Dakota since they just woke up.

(Fun fact: I have never eaten cereal with milk in it.)

~ Time Skip brought to you by moto moto ~

After watching a couple of movies and me and Dakota just talk about stuff like funny/awkward experiences that we have been through which was funny and interesting to listen to we hear the front door open.

At first we were scared because it could be anyone coming inside but then we hear Alex and Andrea talking and realize that they have come home from the meeting. Both me and Dakota were very happy to have our mates back home and they looked happy to be back.

I walked over to Alex to give him a hug hello and the second I touch Alex my whole body heats up and I actually had to hold myself from moaning out loud. What is happening to me?! What is this strange feeling? Is it....


Hello everyone! I hope you liked that chapter and I'm sorry that I couldn't get it out yesterday or earlier today. I had a friend over yesterday and I had a lot of homework that is due tomorrow that I had to get done tonight 💛
Word count: 1269
Cya cuties <3

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