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"But there has to be something that she can do to take back the situation." My mother is currently begging the principal to take back my suspension.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Vegas, but I don't think so." He replies and I roll my eyes.

"Can I apologize or talk to him at least?" I interrupt their talk.

"Sure, just show up to his basketball class later today. He was looking forward to it." He politely smiles at me.

"Great," I say grabbing my staff and getting up from my seat. "See you next week Sir." I salute and leave the office, leaving my mother behind too.

I start making my way towards the car when a tall figure stops me. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" Brandon smiles.

"I'm suspended, can't stay," I explain.

"Oh shit. He meant that?" He asks.

"Apparently he deadass did. But, I'm coming later today to talk to him tho." I shrug.

"Good, after practice today the boys and I are going to watch a game at my house. Wanna come?"

"Who's playing?" I question.

"Raptors vs Celtics."

"Ok, sure." I shrug not having any idea about that.

"Who's this?" My mom interrupts us smirking, oh no.

"I'm Brandon." He sticks his hand out and my mom takes it with a happy look. "Pleasure meeting you Mrs. Vega." I roll my eyes.

"Nice to meet you too sweetheart." She raises her eyebrows at me.

"Good, we leaving now, see ya!" I yell while grabbing my mother out of the way, I can hear him laughing.

We get inside the car and she starts it. "So, is that your boyfriend?" She quickly asks.

"God, no," I say with a frown.

"Just asking." She smirks. "Anyways, about the suspension, we ain't telling your father."

"Yes!" I yell and try to hug her. "Love you! Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah, now let's grab coffee cause I'm starving." She says as I raise the volume of the radio, Dark Queen is currently playing so I start to sing along.

❥ ❥ ❥

"Nice to see you again around here Miss." Coach George smiles at me and I falsely do too.

"Hi Sir, I just wanted to know if we could talk." I lay out.

"Sure." He says walking with me towards the door of the gym.

"I'm so sorry about my behavior, I shouldn't have treated you or your player that way. I take full responsibility for my actions." I repeat everything my mother told me to.

"Good to hear that lady." He replies.

"I also wanted to know if there is anything I could do to revert my suspension because this is my last year and I cannot miss class," I question with pleading eyes.

He thinks for a second before speaking. "Well, there is actually something." I nod. "You could come to every practice and at the games to help me out." He states.

"Help out how?" I ask confused.

"Like my assistant." He lays out and I almost choke. "It could also help you with the classes you're failing because now you have an excuse." He smiles.

"Uhm." I look around at the boys practicing. "Okay, fine."

"Good, you start today." He says walking away towards the boys.

"What?" I walk behind him.

"Boys come here." He yells and they all gather around. I look at my feet feeling completely uncomfortable, why did I accept this?

"Before you continue with the practice I wanted to introduce you to Miss Genesis, who from now on will be the assistant coach." I hear a few laughs."Now, form a line and play 1v1 with her."

"Sir, what am I supposed to do?" I question him inaudible and he laughs.

"Good luck." He whispers.

I think about 1v1 vs Devin, I kinda know how it is. I look at the first boy in line, Lonzo. I can see him smirking and I roll my eyes. Shit, how my 5'9 figure is gonna stop his 6'6. "If you make me fall, you're gonna pay it," I mumble but I didn't even blink and he already ball pass me dunking and the gym fills up with laughter. "This is gonna be hard," I mumble to myself now.

❥ ❥ ❥

Coach told me to practice basketball before I come back next class because I suck. It's not like I'm mad because it's the truth but c' mon I don't like this sport. I'm standing outside the school waiting for the boys to come since we're meeting to watch the game.

"What's up loser?!" Lonzo screams resting his arm on my shoulder.

"Fuck you!" I scream back and he laughs.

"You need to practice missy." Brandon states.

"No shit Sherlock." I roll my eyes.

"At least today I am gonna see how it is played." I shrug.

We stay talking waiting for the rest. Kyle walks in with Michael and Josh, damn I forgot about his existence or I just completely ignored him today.

"Does she has to come too?" I hear him whispering loud on purpose.

"It's not like I want to be near your dumb ass either but at least I am mature enough not to make stupid comments." I spat and hear Lonzo chuckling.

"Leaving your fight aside, we are 6 and the car only has space for 5 persons so decide who's gonna be sitting on who's lap," Michael says getting inside the car, on the driver's seat.

"I have an idea." Lonzo smirks. I wonder what does he has in mind.

"Genesis sits on Josh's lap so they end their beef!" He states and I laugh.

"Boy, how am I sitting on his lap gonna end this beef?" I ask confused.

"Just grind on him." He shrugs and I choke hitting him on the back of his head.

"Idea canceled. Why doesn't Josh sits on any of your laps, since he is the smallest one from y' all and ladies need to sit on the front seat." I lay out while opening the front seat's door but Lonzo slams it shut.

"Lady's first my ass, this ain't the 50s now hop in the backseat." He states.

"Fine, but ain't seating in no one's lap," I demand and get inside the car, followed by Kyle, then Brandon and finally Josh. "I can't breathe." I murmur.

"Me either and because of you." I hear Josh on the other side.

"Just shut the hell up and sit on Brandon," I yell back.

"Why don't you seat on Brandon?" He emphasizes you.

"Because I don't want to!"

"Ok guys don't fight over me!" Brandon sarcastically says.

And just like that the three of us start screaming at each other until Kyle got tired. "Shut up the three of you! Are y' all like 5?" He yells scaring the shit out of us.

"Yeah, it's easy for you because your skinny ass can actually breathe." Josh fights back.

"That's it, I'm done." Kyle expresses annoyed and quickly grabs me by my waist placing me on his lap. "Now, your stupid ass is happy Josh?" He asks.

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