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If you hadn't noticed already, recovering Kylie was not the main objective today; V didn't have to know this, but me and the boys have been waiting for a chance to take down the Vicious Gang for quite some time. The vicious members acted randomly and had a weak brotherhood, unlike my organisation they did not have each other's backs. A team, especially in this industry, was only as strong as its weakest link. They lived their days only with the incentive to unnecessarily terrorize other innocents - whether it be a woman or child, an honest man or shit, their own mother! They were addicted to the bloodshed they bred. I had been planning to kill every one of those motherfuckers and today seemed like the perfect day to bring out the fake blood and practised theatrics. 

I had to admit, I felt slightly bad for lying in this way to V - pretending to be shot - Or maybe it was just the stress of the mission weighing down on me and like any other day, I still didn't feel guilty for no person. Feeling bad for V was not how I should've felt - a good leader in this profession should be emotionless, ruthless and should most definitely act without conscience to avoid difficult situations such as this. 

Looking through my watering eyes, purposefully squinting as if in pain, proved harder than imagined especially with V trying to persuade the boys that she had enough medical knowledge to, and I quote, 'dig around in there and hopefully find a bullet.' Yea that was not happening, not only was there no bullet in my chest (the bullet that flew through the window had been an organized blank shot by a woman in my gang) but it would also ruin the plan.


"I need you to gear up as well, like our agreement states I provide weapons so grab what you want. Meet at the garage in 15, I'm sure you know where that is." I quickly stormed off, I needed to meet with my men, I didn't need to waste any more time babysitting V. Luckily all the guys were already setting up in the garage - packing the shit into the matte black 2017 Escalades. Alex came up to me in a huff "Uhm boss, not to disrespect but don't you think it's a little generous risking our men, our brothers' lives just for one girl. We found Violet searching your office! For fuck's sake man, we don't know this girl and we're putting our lives on the line for her friend!" After his rant, I knew I had to explain my genuine reasoning for this mission and the real outcome I expected from it. "No disrespect in it  A, I think it's high time for an announcement," I smirked at Alex and stood on the closest box of ammo. As I made eye contact with the crowd of members a respectful silence came over the room like a wave, I steadied my stance and raised my chin in a commanding manner. "I'm sure you are all questioning my choices for this mission to go ahead, as much as you may be impressed - or attracted  - to Violet, none of us knows who this woman is! Truth is,  I have a better idea than to walk in and out of this mission with the only objective being to rescue a random girl. We have been waiting for a time just like this one to take down those bastards and I plan to use this to our best advantage." I knew I had to get on with it, V would be back any minute and I didn't want her on my ass about not going with the original plan, or about being reckless. Women tend to find it hard to get over simple things, especially stubborn ones like V. 

"We will be rescuing V's friend Ky, but we will also be bringing the Vicious down to their dirty knees!" There was a roar of agreement that echoed throughout the large room, "like planned we will cause a distraction but then I will pretend to be shot, you will retreat as if you'd run out of ammo or some shit that the Vicious might relate to *rolls eyes* and I will be purposefully captured." The boisterous men had turned silent once again, but this time it was harsh and uncomfortable; my gang were fiercely protective over each other, much like a family - especially when it came to their leader, me. They obviously didn't like the idea of me willingly giving my self up to the enemy, but it had to be done. "I know this may sound reckless but we need to destroy the enemy from the inside out. A rotten apple core will destroy itself by rotting from the inside out. We start at the centre and work our way out." Slowly the men started to come round to my way of thinking. "Follow my lead and stay in communication with the comms units, Brody I need to speak with you." Brody is leading the comms and digital aspect of this mission, "When I am taken a hostage at one of their warehouses I will need to stay in contact. In the event that this all goes south I need an army ready to come in and fight alongside myself." I knew this mission would be dangerous and I was willing to accept that and make a plan B, as a strong leader I knew asking for help was the smartest direction to go. I would make it out of this alive and with a revengeful urge sated. 


I knew it might have been difficult to get captured with V but with her standing fiercely over me, It may be impossible. This was a major flaw in the plan and it had to be resolved immediately! I widened my eyes when V turned to look for a medical bag for me, not like I needed it, and nodded my head at Ben and Alex then to V. Hopefully they understood that they had to get her away from me for the plan not to be derailed. They nodded back and I squinted my eyes again when V turned to face me again, "Shit! There's no medical kit, What kind of gang leader doesn't have a medical kit in their car on a mission? A fucking dumb one that's who!" V was definitely starting to annoy me, why was she so hysterical? It's not like she actually cared about me, she's only using me to get her friend back... If she was actually shot you'd care about it...  I ignored my sub-conscience and fake groaned. Suddenly Alex leant over the console towards V, "look, I think there's a medical kit in the SUV that was behind us, with Brody, I know it's probably a shit storm out there but we should all go get it - don't you think?" Alex tried to look anxious and ran his hands through his hair, I snorted but covered it up with another fake groan; I can still remember when me, Ben and him were all in Venezuela without any cover or plan B and were being chased while on foot in a food market. After eventually getting the fuck out of there Alex said it was 'boring as shit.' Basically, what I'm trying to say is that Alex doesn't get nervous and it was funny seeing him attempt to look it.

V nodded in agreement, slightly dazed she followed the guys out of the car. Once I was sure they had left I opened the door and lay down in a slightly more visible area. I made sure to look in pain and sure enough, a pair of feet stomped into my peripheral vision. "Well, well, well boys, what do we have here? I see a weak boy without an army to save him -  hmm? Do you see that, Haha!" Right then I knew it was Diablo, the second in command of the Vicious gang. Their leader was too much of a lamo to fight alongside his brothers. He believed he was better than his members and therefore didn't have to do any of the dirty work - he was no leader. This was my last thought before my head was hit by something hard like some knuckledusters, but then everything known to me was plunged into an even deeper darkness.


hi guys,

Sorry I've been gone for so long; I've been busy as school picking GCSE's and shit (mandarin, music, geography, drama, Italian + cores - who else has done or is doing these subjects? What are they like? Did you enjoy them? Comment below) I'm trying to get back into the flow of writing but on a higher note, 71k views WTF WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK GUYS OMG I really don't deserve this and I totally didn't expect it! Because of this, I will probably edit TBGF once I've finished writing it.


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