Second baby?

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Hiiiii Baes!!
1 year later:

Shawn: "Babe... so I've been thinking."

X/Y: "Yeah? What popped in my dorky husbands mind?"

Shawn: "HAHAHHA... so I thought", he comes closer towards you. Your currently one the couch with your phone, "since Emma is sleeping, we could make a,"
he kisses your forehead and your trying to scroll through your phone," second baby."

X/Y: "Uhmm.. babe don't you think this is to early?
We just got Emma."

Shawn looks a bit sad and reply's: "Yeah I know, but I just thought it would be nice for Emma to have a sibling..."

X/Y: "Babe, can we just enjoy the moment for a minute?"

Shawn: "Ok. Fine," he kisses you short and gets up and walks away.

Shawn's POV:
>I just feel a bit sad because I really wanted a boy.
It's been hard on me, X/Y doesn't know that.
Maybe I should tell that I really want a boy.

I read on the Internet:
Because male sperm is the faster of the two, Shettles suggests having intercourse as close to ovulation as possible. If you have sex several days before ovulation, the less resilient male sperm may die off. This leaves more female sperm to fertilise the egg.
So she's not even close to ovulation. <- That's why if we have sex now we can make a boy:)
It's not that I'm not satisfied with Emma.
She is the most gorgeous girl in the world.
But I can't really do the things my dad did with me.

>I have a strange feeling. Why did Shawn ask me that?
Am I missing anything? I should've talked more about it... stupid me!<
X/Y: "Shawn?! Shawn can you come here for a minute?"
You get no response, so you get up and look for him.

-FYI: You live in a mansion. You have 12 bathrooms,
15 bedrooms (but you only use like 4), 3 kitchens,
2 movie theaters, 2 recording Studiosound, more...-

You know that Shawn's probably in the recording room.
One the way upstairs, you check on Emma and she's sleeping like a princess. You give her a kiss on her cheek and go into the recording room.
Of course Shawn's in there.
He's behind the glas singing a song with his guitar:
"You've been on my mind
Never knew you were one of a kind
Babe don't you get it
I want this family to grow... grow,grow
We've been through everything
I just want you to be my everything
When we found out that there's only going to be one
It broke my heart and I was done
And while we're young we can have fun"

>OMG! Why am I such an idiot🙄 Camila made me lose our baby son. Shawn told me how we can have a higher chance of making a son. He always wanted a son and I was so so stupid to not realize that!!
So I guess I'm getting pregnant now ;)<

You walk in front of the glass where these technologies things are and sit seductively on the chair.
Shawn suddenly realizes you and smirks.
He opens the glass door and you get up and kiss him.
He puts his hands on your waist and pulls you closer.
You pull away and say: "Babe, I'm sorry.
I forgot that you wanted a son and I-"
He lifts you up and says: "So your ready?"
X/Y: "Yes."
He kisses you passionately.
Shawn: "I don't deserve you. You know that right?"
X/Y: "Less taking, more action. Our time is running because Emma won't sleep forever."

So yes, Shawn came in you and two days later you got a test and didn't try it yet. Your waiting on Shawn now but he's out producing music with Teddy.

Later that day:

Your in the living room with Emma.
X/Y: "Guess what ECM (Emma Charise Mendes)
your probably going to have a sibling."
Suddenly Emma smiles for the first time!
You immediately call Shawn:
X/Y: "Babe! EMMA JUST FUCKING SMILED. You have to come home now."
Shawn: "Omg! I'm on my way!

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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