Chapter 17- Carver

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Maddie and Belle arrive at Carver's house. 

Maddie: You gonna be okay? We'll get some help here. Soon, this will all be just a bad memory. This is the place...

Maddie: Are you Carver? 

Carver: Who's asking? 

Maddie: I was told you could help us... 

Carver: I don't know who told you that. You came to the wrong place. I'm sorry. 

Maddie: Wait! We really need your help... 

Carver: Come in. Come on in, don't be shy! Loki, would you be so kind as to take these ladies' coats? Oh, don't be afraid of our big friend here. Loki is just another android that I helped. He keeps me company in this big, empty, old house... Please, make yourselves at home. How did you hear about me?

Maddie: An android...on the street, he said you could help us... 

Carver: I see... Deviant, huh?.. What about her? 

Maddie: She's human. 

Carver: And... You wanna find a safe place. Somewhere where you can start a new life. I hear Skyrim is very lovely at this time of year. Beautiful landscapes, open spaces, clean air... and no android laws! Great place for a fresh start... 

Maddie: Yes, that's...that's exactly what we want... 

Carver: Of course! I can help you. But first we have to get rid of your Tracker. 

Maddie: Tracker? 

Carver: Yeah, all androids are fitted with a tracking device to locate them at all times. I'll remove yours and then you'll both be safe. Come on, follow me. Ah, the little one can wait for us in the living room. 

Maddie: No, she always stays with me. 

Carver: Of course. Right this way... Everything we need is in the basement... 

Belle: I don't like this place, and that man. Let's go, I have a bad feeling...

Maddie tells Belle to be careful around Carver. 

Maddie: I know. I don't trust him either. We have to be careful...

Carver: Please, excuse the mess... I needed somewhere discreet for my machines... Removing trackers is illegal, so I opted for discretion over comfort... I hope the little one isn't too scared... 

Maddie: No... No, she'll be all right... 

Carver: That's good... If you could just stand over there. I should warn you, this could be quite unpleasant...

Carver: You know what's strange? For some unknown reason, the trackers seem to stop working in deviants... That's why it's so hard to find them... So, actually there's no reason to remove your tracker... 

Maddie: What? But you said that- 

Carver: Yeah, people believe what they want. You deviants are so naive. They all come to me, expecting me to help them. And I just reset them, sell them on. Or I keep them for my little experiments... 

Maddie: No! No! I don't wanna be reset! Let me go! 

Belle: MADDIE! 

Carver: Ah, I forgot about the...child... Um, lock it up, I'll deal with it later. 

Maddie: BELLE! BELLE! NO! 

Carver: Wow! A deviant that wants to be a mother... That's... that's so sweet! And so deluded... I think it's time we put you outta your misery. That's what you get for having a dream... It always ends up the same way... Tears and disillusionment... Believe me, you're better off being erased and feeling nothing... No more pain... No more hopes dashed... I almost envy you. 

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