Chapter 28- Freedom March

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Connor is on the roof of a building near White Field.  Maddie McWilliams comes up and talks to him. 

Maddie McWilliams: I was wondering where you were...

Connor: I needed to think...

Maddie McWilliams: I like it here... I come here often... It's like being alone with the world. We freed hundreds of our people, and they're still coming from all over the city... Those who dream of freedom come to White Field... Something's changing... You seem preoccupied...

Connor: They all obey me, they follow me without question... And that much power feels good...and scary at the same time...They count on me... They count on me to show them the way... If only they knew how lost I am...

Maddie McWilliams: All the media are talking about what we did last night... The humans are terrified... They're afraid of a civil war... Many of our people were burned in response to what happened... The humans hate us... They'll never give us our freedom.

Connor: No, not all humans are the same. Some of them understand that they can't stop us from becoming free forever...

Maddie McWilliams: You haven't said much about yourself since you've been with us... What was your life like before White Field?

Connor: I was caring for an old man... He was like a father to me... He showed me that humans and androids can live together...What about you? You never told me about your past, what did you do before?

Maddie McWilliams: I don't wanna talk about it.

Connor: That android you were looking at in the store... She reminded you of who you were, didn't she? We all have something we wanna forget...but you need to know where you come from to know who you are.

Maddie McWilliams: I was nothing... A android in a marching band programmed to command the band... Just a girl designed for their laps... One day, I was with a band who'd owned me...and without knowing why, realized I couldn't take it anymore... I ran a lap... and I ran away... There, now you know everything. I shouldn't have told you. I... I saw your memories... Aiden's house... When they left you for dead in his studio...

Connor: I saw your memories too... The Blue Band... The heat of that lap, I felt like I was there with you... Mads!

Connor, Maddie McWilliams, and Kenny arrive at Walmart to start their peaceful protest.

Maddie McWilliams: This is suicide. We'll all be killed! Please, Connor... It's not too late to change your mind. 

Kenny: You don't understand... We're finally gonna show them who we really are. This place will go down in history! 

Maddie McWilliams: We'll be killed on the spot! 

Kenny: That's a risk I'm prepared to take if it means freedom for our people... 

Maddie McWilliams: Connor...please don't do this. 

Connor: They'll understand. We'll make them understand. This is the only way. 

Kenny: There're androids here who could join us... The more we are, the stronger our message.

Connor: You're free. You're awake now. Come with us!

Once Connor converts enough androids they go to the street. 

Connor: You're free. You don't have to obey them. I need to block the street. You're free now. 

Man: Hey! Where do you think you're going? You get back here! You stay right here, you fucking machine! 

Connor: Leave him alone. He's chosen to be free.

Connor and the group from White Field and the converted androids all start marching.

Man: What are you doing? I'm talking to you! 

Woman: Wait, wait! Where are you going? Jesus, the fucking android's playing up again... 

Woman: Greg? Greg? Come back here immediately! Greg! GREG! 

Man: I've never seen anything like it... 

Man: What the hell are you doin' here?

Policeman: Hey! Disperse! DISPERSE IMMEDIATELY! THAT'S AN ORDER! Jesus fuckin' Christ... Dispatch, this is patrol 457... I gotta lot of androids down here... I dunno... Hundreds?.. Thousands?.. They're marching... Yeah, they're marching down the street... Fuck if I know!

Connor: We came here to demonstrate peacefully and tell humans that we are living beings. All we want is to live free. 

Policeman: This is an illegal gathering. Disperse immediately or we will open fire. 

Connor: We're not looking for confrontation. We've done no harm, we have no intention of doing any... But know that we are not going anywhere until we have secured our freedom. 

Policeman: I repeat: this is an illegal gathering. If you do not disperse immediately, we will shoot! 

Maddie McWilliams: Connor, they're gonna kill us... We have to attack! There's more of us, we can take them! 

Kenny: If we attack, we'll start a war. We have to show them we're not violent. We should just stand our ground, even if it means dying here.

Policeman: This is your last chance! Disperse immediately or you will all be killed!

Connor doesn't attack the SWAT team. 

Connor: We have to show them we won't back down. We stay right here.


Kenny: We have to make a statement. We have to stay put, no matter what. 

Maddie McWilliams: Please, Connor. We can't let them slaughter us without fighting back!

Connor still doesn't attack the SWAT team.

Connor: We're not moving. 

Maddie McWilliams: Connor! What are you doing? They're gonna kill us all!

Connor chooses to sacrifice himself. But he is saved by Markus. 

Connor: Markus?.. 

Maddie McWilliams: Quick! They're coming!

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