Part 1 The Next Step

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Nora: I'm just saying, there are more members of JNPR in the team than RWBY, It just makes sense to go with THAT one

Ren: But "Junior" isn't a color

Nora: Ugh, how can I be more CLEAR?

She then signals with her hand and four white letters come out of nowhere forming JNRR.

Nora: One...Two...Three! That's MORE than one

Ren: But there are four of us and we're helping Ruby with her objective

He then does the same as Nora, forming four white letters coming out of nowhere making the name, RNJR.

Ren: Wouldn't it make HER the leader?

Pyrrha: But what about my name? I should also be included in the naming of the team

Nora:'re right Pyrrha!

She then forms another set of letters this time forming JNPRR.

Nora: There! fixed

Ren: But that's five letters and Ruby still needs to be the team leader

Before they could go on with their argument Jaune comes in and silences them.

Jaune: Guys, We need to focus

The three then turn their head to face where Jaune is looking, focusing back on their mission.

Jaune: Also, JNRR is WAY cooler


Ren: Ugh...*sighs*

Suddenly the ground begins to rumble, feeling as if something is getting closer.

Jaune: It's here

And as if on queue from the depths of the forest leaving a trail of rose petals behind was Ruby coming out a cliff side using her sniper-scythe to take shots at whatever was that they were after on this mission, suddenly coming out of the forest a giant rock golem appears destroying the surrounding area as it goes along, the two fall of the side of the cliff and end up in a forest clearing were Jaune and his team where.

Jaune: Let's get that thing off her!

Ren and Nora both get high atop the trees while Jaune and Pyrrha circle around the golem. From the trees.

Ren: We need to draw it's attention away from Ruby

Ruby: Could use some help!

She says as she rushes past them with her semblance. Nora uses her grenade launcher to draw it's attention away from Ruby now making it focus on Ren, he speeds through the trees taking shots at him with his pistols, angered it tries to attack Ren by slamming its arm down, this creates a chance for Ren to climb onto the golem using it as way to boost himself into the air and them come back down in a spinning motion, the golem duck down to avoid the strike, the attack doesn't seem to faze the creature.

Jaune: We gotta get in closer!

Ren: My blades don't hurt him!

Pyrrha: Uh Oh

The Golem begins to rise back up.

Ruby: How about THIS?!

She reaches for a lightning elemental dust magazine and loading it into her weapon, she speeds in front of the golem and takes her shot at its arm, the attack also didn't faze it at all, in retaliation the golem strikes the ground creating a shockwave of air and dust pushing the group back, Ren and Nora hold onto each other to resist the knockback, Ruby uses her scythe and strikes the ground to catch herself, Pyrrha hold onto a tree while Jaune on the other hand.

RWBY+JoJo mash up (Male Stand User X Ruby Rose) Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now