Chapter 15 - Tears

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Once everyone was finally served, Darcy, Tom and I all served ourselves and took the last seats in the canteen. I looked down at my chips and remembered how my mum used to cook them. She would always do them perfectly so they were golden and crisp on the outside but fluffy on the inside. It made my eyes well up with tears as I thought about her. She could be dead then I would never see her again. Nor my dad. I just kept thinking of how I would go on to have children and get married but they could possibly not be there to see that.

The tears building up in my eyes decided to brim over and pour down my cheeks like a river bursting it's bank. Suddenly embarrassed at my moment of weakness I bowed my head so no one could see my tears. I peered through the blonde hair that concealed my face to check whether anyone was looking. No one was. Darcy and Tom were deep in conversation and Jamie was comparing chips with one of his school friends. Feeling the tears start to come more rapidly I pushed my chair back from the table and half ran out of the canteen, keeping my head down at all times.

I pushed the doors to the canteen roughly so they swung on their hinges violently. As soon as the doors slammed shut again I ran for it down the corridor. As I rounded the corner I heard someone call my name. I ignored them continuing to leg it until I stopped in a dark corner. I leant against the wall and let the tears come. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor bawling my eyes out silently. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wept into my knees. I could feel a sob building in my chest so I let it out as quietly as I could even though I was alone.

I just sat there sobbing quietly on my own. I don't know how long I was sat there for but I felt an arm slide around my shoulders and pull me towards them. I turned to the strangers chest and sobbed even louder. "It's ok. Let it out." Said a familiar voice. Tom's voice. I looked up at his face then down to his damp chest. "Sorry" I mumbled, sniffing and sitting up. I wiped my eyes on my sleeves and took a deep breath. I had to compose myself. "You know... It is ok to cry." Tom said quietly. "This is hard for everyone. Especially you. Everyone is looking up to you as a leader. That's a lot of pressure." He continued wrapping his arms around my shoulders, just holding me.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder and said "You're so right. But what if I'm not a good enough leader. What if they kick me out of the base? What if they start a revolution against me?" I said feeling myself tear up again. "That won't happen. You're a natural leader. They voted you as leader. You'll be great. They really like you. So do I..." He whispered and I felt his neck bend. I sat up and looked at him. He was sat with his head bent looking at the floor like he did when he was nervous. "Tom. I like you too, a lot." I whispered putting a finger under his chin to lift it up. I guided his face so he could look at me.

I probably looked awful. I probably had mascara all down my face and red, puffy eyes. But I didn't have a mirror so I can't tell you how I really looked. That's how I'm guessing I looked. His warm, hazel eyes stared deep into mine. "You're such a nice, caring boy. I would love to get to know you more." I whispered as we gazed into each other's eyes. "Scarlett, we've never spoken before today. I've never had the courage to go to talk to you. I'm kind of glad today actually happened. It meant I got to talk to you." He said. He moved closer, moving his face closer. I leaned in and so did he. Our lips collided, soft but full of meaning.

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