Chapter 14 - Giggles

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It took us a fair few hours sat in a small classroom, around a make-shift conference table to get through all of the ideas given to us by the others. Darcy counted one hundred and fifty ideas. We got through every single one of them. Deciding which ones would be put into action and which would be kept for later. We had finished the guard schedule and Sam had gone off to get the 6 others for the first duty. The guards would stand guard and any gates, keeping them locked. Some would keep an eye out for anyone coming near whilst those who could drive would take a car around the perimeter of the base to look for any attackers.

One of the ideas was being put into motion immediately. Seeing as there were so many small children, they wouldn't be able to feed themselves, so Darcy and I made our way into the school kitchens to begin a meal for over one hundred people. I have to admit, it was so hard. I don't know how the school cooks do it! I had no idea how to cook and neither did Darcy. I couldn't ask Tom because he had gone to round everyone up. Sam was on guard duty and Jamie didn't have any idea... We just ended up getting a load of frozen chips from the freezer and frying them in batches then putting them in the shiny food storage things. We found some boxes of frozen fish and decided to fry those as well. Good old British fish and chips. Whilst I watched over the food in the huge school kitchens Darcy started to set the tables. Setting down the cutlery and placing jugs of water and cups. We kept a few spare on a trolley in case we didn't set enough places.

As I scooped out the second batch of chips Darcy came up to the hatch to talk to me. "So... You and Tom?" She said with a smug grin. I stared at her. I could feel my face flushing bright red. "What about us?" I asked innocently. "You know what! You like him!" She exclaimed. She bounced up and down. "Maybe I do... So what?" I asked hoping the conversation would be over soon. "Well... He obviously likes you too. I hope he asks you out." She answered sounding excited. I blushed even more. "He likes me too? How can you tell?" I questioned. She gave me a look as if to say 'really?' and said, "The way he looks at you! He's always helping you out. And in the hall you two looked pretty transfixed by each other's eyes." She replied bursting into a fit of giggles. I started to giggle too. It was just like old times, sitting on the benches outside giggling about our most recent crushes. Planning ways on making them fall in love with us.

I looked at Darcy suddenly thinking of an idea to make her just as embarrassed. "So... Speaking of relationships. You and Sam?" I asked. I smiled, knowing that I had got her. The smile fell from her face and she stared at me wide eyed. "W-What?" She stammered. "You know bloody well what!" I said amused by her shock. "You really like him. You always have gone for the bad boys." I explained. Darcy began to recover from her shock and looked me with a dead straight face and said "Touché Scarlett..."

We burst into fits of giggles again and the door to the canteen swung open and Tom stepped through. This just made us giggle even more. He began to walk towards us with a line of small children behind him, teenagers following at the back of the queue. As he reached the hatch to the kitchens he saw us giggling. I was crouched over holding my stomach and Darcy had tears streaming down her face. "What's so funny?" He asked. I stood up still laughing and wiping tears from my eyes. "N-Nothing... Girl stuff." I said breathless from laughing. "Riiight... Well, everyone's here for their food." He said suspiciously gesturing to the line of children. "Oh. Yes. Right. OK. All hands on deck" I said to Darcy just making her laugh even harder. The first child appeared in front of us with a plate and we placed a battered fish and some chips on his plate and he moved on to get ketchup, then came another kid and well... You know the rest.

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