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It was not long until you regained consciousness. You could see the interior more clearly from where you were restrained on the klown's shoulder. A few lights accompanied the colorful ceiling, illuminating the strange stripey patterns, twisting and turning along the strangely shaped walls. There was a nostalgic and childish feeling which lingered behind the chilling fact that the place was not just some circus fun house.

The klown came to a stop in front of a pink door of some sort. His gloved hand pushed the squishy red buttons in a distinct pattern, opening the futuristic door to what looked like an elevator shaft.

How could all of this fit inside a circus tent?

When a door opened from the opposite side, you were greeted with a green and black themed machinery room. There were tons of cotton candy cocoons hung on racks. Before you could've analyzed the room any more, you were thrown off of the klown's shoulder. Just as you were going to stand up, the klown pulled out a bright cartoony gun, aiming it directly at you.

You flinched, "W-wait—"

The klown pulled the trigger. Just as you thought you were dead, you were pleasantly surprised to find that you hadn't been shot, only encased in a pink cotton cage. You were picked up, in your cotton prison, and walked over to a rack. Immediately, you knew you were being hung up like the rest of the cotton candy cocoons. Your breaths became heavy in the tight, claustrophobic enclosure— panic was rising and you couldn't move for the life of you. The klown's large shoes slapped against the foggy ground as he made his way towards the door.

You knew he was gone once you heard the futuristic door open and close. With a shaky sigh, you slowly wriggled your hands free from the constriction against your chest. You poked and prodded the pink cotton in hopes to find a tear that could lead to a potential escape. Using your fingernails, you leisurely shredded the surprisingly thick cotton.

"Damnit," you whispered against the tight heat. This could take forever and who knows how long it will be until another klown fuck shows up.

As you were slowly but surely tearing away at the cocoon, the sound of the door opening made you freeze. With shaky hands, you pried at the cotton to create a hole to see through.

Just as expected, there was another klown. It was a medium sized klown, red hair with orange and magenta ruffles around it's neck, a striped multicolored jumpsuit bagged around its alien body.

You noticed a cotton candy sack was dammed over his shoulder. Fear struck upon realizing that it was another human— you began to worry about Evan.

You watched as the klown strolled past you, unusual high pitched sounds mumbled through his smile. He busied himself with hooking the cocoon up on a metal rack.

You sighed as he walked away— except the sudden relaxation caused the cocoon to shake, alerting the klown instantly.
His head whipped around, eyes scanning the black and green prison. You held your breath as he cautiously crept towards you while reaching for what looked like a toy gun at his side. As soon as your pink imprisonment swayed slightly, the klown aimed his gun, ready to fire.

You jumped, "Wait!" 

Once noticing you had already been captured, the klown lowered the gun. You watched as his shoulders slack— a bit of your pride was lost.
He held his gun loosely to his side and walked closer to your compressed cocoon.

Panic bloomed— you were not prepared for what the thing had in mind. You flinched and tightened your eyelids around your eyes.
The distinctive sound of a kiss awoken your fear-filled sight. The klown had kissed the bubble encasing you.

You frowned in confusion and curiosity, your eyes meeting his. A wide, grim smile was flashed at you and you could've counted all of his rotting teeth. Although disturbing, there was something genuine about it.

Once pleased with the look on your face, he slowly turned around and waddled back to the robotic door. But, just before he opened it, he looked back at you and waved with his big gloved hand. The gesture seemed harmless enough to wave back. After a slow and hesitant wave, you watched the klown turn his back towards you in what looked like satisfaction. He quietly left the room.

A wave of relief washed over you like a goddamn tsunami. The thick tension was finally at ease— your plan to escape could be put back into motion.

You almost began to wonder what the klown's intentions were, but you couldn't find the urge to look into it anymore. Not yet.

Killer Klowns x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now