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AJ Pov

One of my side pieces came with me to the store (she nobody special) and sat in the car. Went in to get a drink, couple snacks. Then i look up and see Z in the cold aisle getting ice cream. She was holding a little girl in her arms. That her child? Guess i'll find out. . . (Loren in MM)

Za'Kylah Pov

I picked up Loren from Ms.Rose house, haven't really sat and talked with her for a while. I told her I'm not dancing anymore she was relieved. Eventually i was gonna stop and good thing i did, don't want Loren to go thru the same struggles i went thru. I want her to have a better future than i did. As for Ms.Rose i can talk to her about anything. ''So what are you doing now?'' Ms. R asked. ''I'm a manager at Park Hyatt Hotel.'' "oooh that's fancy.'' ''Had some issues in the beginning but now its a breeze. I took one a couple more people bcuz we were understaffed. Want to make the owner proud and see me taking initiative.'' ''Any new lovers lately?'' Ms. Rose asked bluntly. "Not a lover" "Girl , your not telling me everything" Ms.Rose said popping my hand. I slightly rub my hand " not much to tell." I gotta go wash clothes Ms.Rose, we'll pick up on this story later."

"Mhmm. . take care baby" Ms.Rose said hugging me and kissing Loren on the cheek. We get outside I opened the door for Loren and she got in and buckled her seat belt, I checked to make sure it was secure and closed the door. Opened my door and buckled my seat belt , started it up and was off. Made it to a red light and Medicine by Queen Naija came on the radio. I'm singing along and it sounded like an echo. I hear Loren in the backseat singing in her own way. It was so cute, i turned up the radio a lil bit, she got louder. I laughed to myself, she said something else so i turned the music down. "what you say baby?'' "Ice Cwream, ice cwream." Loren tried to say. "Yea, we can stop at the store, and get some." Pulled up to a store, saw a familiar car in the front but paid it no mind. Went around to Loren's side and opened the door for her. She walked with me at first holding my hand. Went to the ice cream aisle , she couldn't see the flavors . So i picked her up "which flavor you want?" i asked her. Looking at ice cream and her i see someone in my periphel view and they said Z. " I know who that is." Turned around and see AJ.

AJ Pov

I walked up and acknowledge Z with a side hug. "who's this lil beauty?" I said pinching Loren's cheeks. Loren giggled and turned her head blushing. "this is Loren. . . . Loren this is AJ , say hi , Z said. Loren turned back around and said hi with the biggest smile. "where you guys headed?" I said leaning on the fridge. "just getting some ice cream and gonna head back to the house." Z said "oh ok, cool ima head thru there." "can't stay away from me huh?" Z said teasing . My eyes squinted processing wat she just said, licked my lips before answering back. "u kno you want all this" laughing and joking around. We walk to the register , cashier says my total and another said Z's total and i whispered to mine "I'll pay for hers". Cashier looked over at Z getting her wallet and winks. Z cashier took the money, but didn't know he gave the money to my cashier. Loren walks in front of Z leaving the store waiting at the car.

Za'Kylah Pov

The cashiers were acting weird, but i brushed it off. Loren was ready to go eat her treats before it melted. I opened the door for Loren and she buckled in. "Guess i'll see you ina bit" " Yea few things i gotta handle first ." AJ said , The same car i said looked familiar was AJ's car and the girl was in the passenger seat mugging me. Boo don't hate. AJ opened my door and closed it when i'm inside. "you might want to tell yo chick , quit eyeballing me before i fix it for her. " AJ looks at his car and back to me " don't worry about her." AJ said "oh damn that's how you doing your women" I said starting up my car. "chill lil brvh''AJ said leaning on the window , looked back and see her still staring " Wanna make her even more mad?" "How?'' Motions AJ to come closer with finger AJ turns her fitted cap around and leans closer licking her lip and kisses me. Thoughts running in my head drastically , even thou this our 2nd kiss, i felt sparks immediately. Lips was hella soft, a whif of AJ's cologne hit my nose, it was intoxicating. I ended the kiss by tugging on her lips, when she pulled back. "Ight keep teasing me like that , you gonna get it." AJ said " haha, can't handle ." turns on radio and turns it up. Backs out of parking spot and drives home.

AJ Pov

Z pulls off and i jog back to the car and i get a phone call from King , haven't heard from her ina while.

A: Yo K:Wassgud
A: Leaving the store
K: Ahh man , I gotta tell you bout this date with Bryanna
A: Who Bryanna?
K: Brvh Bryanna. . . . Bri
A: Ohhh , since when yall dating?
K:just wenot on a date , but i like her fire . . A: Thats dope lil brvh. I'm happy for you.
K: I might hit her up later , i dont wanna rush her
A: Whatever you decide to do, im behind you all the way.
K: Thanks AJ
A: Ite , i gotta hit you up later.
K: hangs up. . . sees my side piece staring at me heavily

"what" "soooo , this what we doing?" rando chick said "watchu talking bout?" starts driving "you all up in bxtches faces, kissing them , taking phone calls like i'm not even here like what the fck!" exhales loudly "oh my fckin god ,what you want from me Ashley!" "some attention, your attention, affection something damn!" Ashley said. "you gonna chill with you talkin to me like you crazy. ."

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