𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡

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I had a wicked plan, but i didn't know how to start it, but all i know was that Betty Cooper was going down...
All i need is my information, i know exactly who to get that from... the one and only Kevin Keller
Kevin and I decided to go in partners for science which i'm glad about, it helped me out a lot...
"Kevin i need your help..."
He got curious
"With what V?"
"Betty... i need to know one of her biggest secrets and your the only one, who literally knows everyone's business, it's a good thing so don't take it the wrong way" He chuckled and he couldn't hold it in, he loves spilling the "tea" so they call it here... I thought that was a British thing, whatever.
"So, where do i start... oh yes, before you joined, Betty use to bully a girl named Ethal and her boyfriend Ethan, It got so bad that Ethan... well, he went missing somehow, but the night he went missing, guess who else was missing, you guessed it... Betty Cooper, Ethal was distraught of the disappearance of her boyfriend, so bad she wanted revenge on Betty, but she couldn't because Betty threatened her and told her to keep it a secret, otherwise Betty would make sure Ethal would go missing aswell..." Betty is a PSYCHO oh my god, just wait Betty...
Wow next lesson, I sit and the back, right next to Jughead, last time we spoke was over text, i hope it's not too awkward...
"Hey..." I'm surprised he spoke first i thought he would hate me for sure, especially as i called his girlfriend a bitch... but he knows the truth.
"Hi Jug..." We sit at the back, just us two, so we talk about really personal stuff and we have deep conversations.
"I'm so so sorry Veronica, about anything, I really am..." Did he just, wait what, i-
"Jughead, It's fine, I swear, i'm just glad we're friends again, honestly it was so quiet without you..." He looked into my eyes, blushed, and gave a smile but smirking smile. IT WAS ADORABLE.
"Follow me..." Why did he want me to follow me... We were in class, what's he up too...
"Miss, can i go to the office, i need to go talk to one of the teachers?" He asked, i'm surprised she let him go, to be honest.
"Excuse me, miss , can i go to the bathroom please?" She let me as well, I was shocked to what happened next...
Jughead grabbed my arm lightly, pulled me into a empty room, and kissed me, softly...
"I'm sorry..."
"Jughead for the last time it's fine..." He smiled at me, I smiled back, I could tell her was staring at my lips, so i just kissed him... Jesus he's so sweet, and a good kisser *wink wink*
Jughead is officially over Betty... now i've got to tell him her past, i'll tell him now...
"Jughead, i have to tell you something, which scared the hell out of me..."
"What is it?" He looked seriously concerned, awh he cares...
"Well it's about Betty..."
He sighed and looked away so I gently pulled his face back to look at me,
"Listen, someone told me something serious about her past!" He looked at me seriously now, I got a tiny bit scared
"Go on then, spit it out"
"Basically, someone told me that there was a girl at your school named, Ethal and she had a boyfriend name Ethan, and he somehow went missing, does that ring a bell?" Jughead looked shocked...
"I'll take that as a yes, well someone told me, that Betty bullied both of them, like serious bullied them, so much that it got to a point that, Ethan went missing, but apparently Betty went missing the same night, as Ethan went missing, but she showed up in the morning all dirty and covered in mud and dirt..."
Jughead looked at me shocked
"No... she wouldn't, would she?"
"But you thought she wouldn't make up them lies about me didn't you?" He looked at me sorrowfully...
"Well anyways, after that Ethal found out about it, Betty started sending her threats saying stuff like *if you don't leave the school i'll get you like i got your Ethan* That's why Ethal left..."
He couldn't look at me, I tried to look at him but his eyes were facing downwards,
"I had to tell you Jug, i was super worried..."
He looked back at me
"Look i get it you were super worried i would totally be, but i don't know what i should do now..."
I didn't want to bring up 'break up' because that would be like i faked it
"i'm just not going to mention it too her, anyways the rumours might not be true"
He has a point, but it's something she would do...
Suddenly Jug and I started staring at each other again
and he blushed, and our lips met, it was probably the best kiss of my life... He pulled me up onto the table and kissed me slowly and softly...
It felt like we were being watched, so i pushed him of, he got seriously confused...
"Jug, i feel like we're being watched..." he looked outside the door and there was a brush of someone against the door, but when he went out there no one was out there...
The door locked, suddenly i felt hands tighten around my throat...

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