| Chapter Fifteen |

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Izabel POV

These past weeks I've been avoiding Ronaldo like the plague and forgetting I have a man in my life.

I've been stressing non stop about work. Sales have been going down a bit due to another brand trying to promote their line.

"Izabel are you feeling alright? Your looking a bit pale" Amy said concerned "Yes Amy I'm sorry just stressing is all" I sigh and look at the papers scattered at my desk "Well calm down Izabel you are my boss after all, but I care for you like a sister" she reassures and I smile "Alright Amy I will, now how about you bring me lunch and we can finish our hectic day" I say back and she leaves the office.

"I love you baby so much. You have a wonderful big sister that will care for you and love you very much" I caress my tummy. I'm already 2 months and I'm showing just a tad which I'm happy about that way no one can criticize me for being pregnant with my boss!

Today I'm securing that all my new merchandise is ready to be launched and checking for minor details. You can never be too sure.

Few hours later I'm already heading out the building when the sun hits at me making me feel relieved for a moment.

I decided to take a walk to the park and enjoy a bit of chocolate vanilla swirl ice cream cone. Yumm.

"Hello Ms. you are very pretty" a sweet little boy complimented "Why thank you fine man, you are handsome yourself" I smile and touch his button nose "Dillan why did you run away!" A lady came worried.

"Sorry mom, I went after the butterflies and this lady was pretty so I told her" he showed his pearly teeth
"I'm sorry he's very straight forward, I'm Gracie nice to meet you Miss" she extended her hand "Likewise, i'm Izabel and I must say you have a charming son" I insisted "Oh thank you, he's a handful!" She chuckled "I totally understand, my four year old daughter is quite a handful herself" I agreed.

We chit chatted till 1 in the afternoon that I decided to headed home "Well it's been a great time talking to you both but I must head home now" I smile and say my goodbyes "Yes us too, thank you and have a good day" she hugged me "beautiful bump you got hun" I blushed "You noticed my belly?" I questioned "why yes, we are moms after all you have this gorgeous glow, well goodbye" they both waved and left.

I'm finally home and kick off my heels. God they are so irritating now that pregnancy weight is kicking in. Lately all I want to wear is pijamas or sometimes just lingerie. Finally I can shower in peace!

Im cooking dinner when Ronaldo walks in. My mood immediately turns sour.

"Come on Doll how long you going to keep this up? It's been a month already and you won't even let me touch our baby. I even tried sneaking around you at night to feel him" he smirks.

"How do you even know it's a boy" I ignore his gaze "He's going to take after me. Handsome and desired by all women. I know he's a little man. My gut tells me" yeah well.. your right.. "Whatever".

"Come on babe let go of the anger, you know you wanted another baby too it's not just me, think of it this way. We're finally having another baby and I will be there every step of the way" he hugs me from behind and I melt in his arms.
Darn these pregnancy hormones!

"We will continue this later, let's just go pick up Gabby from school" I get a sweater and head to our car.

We're outside the car waiting for Gabby and she never leaves the building. "Ronaldo what's going on? Where's Gabby!" I panic and head to the schools doors.

Opening the office doors I barge in "Ma'am you can't walk in like that" the lady says "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!" Ronaldo screams at her even I'm at a loss for words this very moment "Ye.. I'm..sorry..sir but who is your daughter?" She asks "Gabriela Donizetti Thompson" he told her as I bite my nails due to my nerves.

"I'm sorry sir but she already left school a. Family member came for her before school was over" WHAT!
"Who did you people let take my daughter! The only people able to take her out this school are only us! Who took her!" I yelled at her "ANSWER!" I start to cry due to my anger "You better start talking or else you won't be able to breath another minute" Ronaldo spoke deadly.

"The lady showed her license.. she had the girls last name" she panicked "NAME NOW!" He pointed a gun at her "Ronaldo what are you.." I look in shock "I won't repeat myself. Talk. Now. Or your dead" he ignored me "Laura Thompson" I gave her a deadly glare before pulling Ronaldo out the school.

"When did you get a gun?.. why do you have a gun.. what." He shushed me "I'm sorry doll but ever since we left the villa there was a psycho on the loose that had you and Gabby as a target. I only have a gun for protection. Nothing else." He said as he drove.

"Soo.. your not.. in the Mafia are you?" I questioned "No doll. If I was I would be much more dangerous. I'm just a powerful man with little patience" he laughed as her spoke "Your crazy sometimes Ronaldo you know that" I chuckled a bit "Yet you can't seem to get away from me Doll" he kisses me sweetly.

We're home and I wonder when we're suppose to go after our daughter "Ok doll. Let's get to business. The necklace I gave Gabby has a tracker on it. If she's still wearing it we may be able to track her. I designed it to the point it's crystallized no one can detect it. As for you and our unborn child, you will be locked here. Georgie will be outside with guards patrolling the mansion. I'm sorry but I can't risk you both. I love you. I'll be back" He kissed my forehead and slammed the door as he left.

"Oh no you don't. I'm going to get my daughter too. Let's go baby boy, big sister needs us" I rub my tummy and get dressed to escape.

God keep my daughter safe and my unborn child.

I know I've been gone for a while but I finally updated! Thank you for helping me reach over 300 votes🌻
Have a great day💛

I know I've been gone for a while but I finally updated! Thank you for helping me reach over 300 votes🌻Have a great day💛

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