| Chapter Seventeen |

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(Izabel above)

Izabel POV

Ronaldo has been ignoring me these past few months and truthfully I'm getting quite frustrated, very much in a sexual way. Not even in his work shirt does he look at me.

Looking outside seems to relax me while I reminisce on the past and how far I have become as a mother and a women to my children.

I'm finally 6 months and we are having an ultrasound today to let us know the sex of the baby, I'm just hoping to get some touch by my dear hubby.

"Mommy! How is my baby brother? Has he been gwood?" Gabby comes in the room yelling "Yes baby he's been a very wonderful baby! Today we will find out if he's a boy" I gushed "He's a boy Mommy! I want a baby brother I can play with. I don't want a sister!" She pouts "now princess you have a school and we have to work, so get your backpack on to leave soon" Ronaldo ordered "Yes daddy!" She runs to her room.

"You didn't have to do that you know" I tell him "It wasn't for you. I didn't want anything to upset my little man" he responds coldly as he touches my swollen belly "hi little man, I can't wait to hold you. Finally I can hug and kiss you just like I do with your big sister. I love you" my eyes tear up listening to him as he never experienced Gabby's first moments.

"Let's go to work so we can go to the clinic after" I nod
Getting dressed I decided to go for a white fashion nova maternity dress and a cardigan along with white nike shoes ending with a bun, I'm feeling myself today!

"Don't talk to anyone about the incident last week I don't want the news to go all over the building" he spoke as he walked to his office
He's being so cold with me I run to my office and cry.

"Izabel oh my god are you ok.. Izabel what's wrong?" Amy wraps her arms around me "He's being so cold Amy, he doesn't love me anymore. Ever since the incident he's not speaking to me unless he has to and when he does it's shortened and cold" I let it all out as she soothes me.

"Izabel you should've known this would've his reaction he loves both Gabby and you but he has to care for his unborn child as well. Think of this way, he was never there for Gabby's first moments so now he wants to make up for his new baby coming on the way" she explains and I agree with her "I just wish he wasn't so cold hearted towards me right now".

I wipe my tears and start cleaning up to work "Now how about we get started for the day and head out to lunch?" Amy says and I smile widely "You mentioned one of my biggest loves right now, food" my smile reaches my eyes and we laugh it off.

"Ladies! Our corporate has grown so much we can finally announce we have online merchandise!" My workers clap "We will be having job openings also this month so let the word spread and do not hesitate to ask me questions. Finally to end our meeting, I'm also introducing toddler merchandise for any of you ladies that are mothers, your purchases will be free to honor our beautiful hard working moms. Have a great day!" I see them all happy and clap while I leave for Ronaldo's office.

I see his intern inside his office "You can leave now" he waves his hand as she leaves "Yes sir" I look at her intensively "Jealousy is a nasty feature on you doll" I hear him say.

Did he finally call me Doll? My inner me got excited by the thought.

"It's thirty minutes till my appointment and you know how it is when we're late" I notify as I look away "ah yes let me clean up here and clear all my meetings for the next hour" he calls his assistant to clear his schedule for an hour? What an asshole.

"Why hello Ms. Thompson pleasure to see you again" Dr. Ross greets me so nicely "Thank you Ross always so sweet" I smile at him "You must be the lucky father" he holds his hand out for Ronaldo "Yes I am, now quit flirting with my women and show me my son" he grips his hand and let's go after stating the obvious. Dr. Ross coughs "yes let's begin".

The machine is ready as he applies the warm gel on my tummy. The tv shows us what the ultrasound is picking up "alright here we have a healthy baby boy, already weighs 6 pounds! Congratulations!" I smile as I knew my intuition was right.

"Wait a minute.." he keeps on looking "what's wrong? I thought everything is ok, what's going on?" I start to worry "Izabel calm down and let the doctor examine you" Ronaldo says even though I ignored him.

"You're having twins! You have healthy baby boys and they are both holding hands, also weighs 6 pounds and both are measuring 12cms, heart is moving strongly. I can see why your belly is expanding more they are active little boys" he finishes.

"I will be seeing you at 7 months Ms. Thompson. Here are five pictures for you to take home. Each baby is marked as baby A & B. Do come back to see us and I hope you both have a wonderful day" he smiles and shakes our hands as he takes his leave.

"We're having two boys" I say lowly "Wow my sperm works magic" he grins as he picks up his jacket and opens the door for me. I couldn't help but chuckle as his remark for his sperm capacity "Want food?" He asked plainly "Yeah chik-fil-a for both me and Gabby would be amazing right about now" he nods and we head to get food.

"Mommy it smells good!" Gabby loves food just as much as me, my sweetheart "Daddy is my baby brother happy?" She asks "actually princess you have two brothers on the way" he smiled as he picks her up "Really? I will be the best big sister!" She cheers herself "you sure are my darling, I love you very much" I kiss her all over her face "Mommy no! I'm too big for kisses" she hides from me "there's no such thing my princess" I kiss her again.

Finally I can lay down as I bed Gabby in her Princess bed when I feel Ronaldo come out of the shower and lay down beside me.

My nightgown reveals my tummy as I sleep side ways. I'm almost drifting when I hear him speak to the boys.

"Hi my Kings. Your sister is waiting for you to come out. I can't wait to hold you both and kiss you. Sadly I was never there for your sister but I will do everything in my power to be with you everyday. I love you both as well as your big sister. Her name is Gabriella, beautiful name your mother picked out. My kings, you have the most wonderful mother in this world. You boys and my two girls is all I could ever ask for. Be good for mommy until you come to meet me us. We love you" he finishes as he kisses my belly.

'I hope we can all be happily ever after soon'

Hi! Sorry for being MIA but college and life has hit me at its best.
I thank you very much for sticking with me & reading my book till the end. It is coming to an end soon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter which is sweet but short! 🌻
Have a good day💛

 It is coming to an end soon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter which is sweet but short! 🌻Have a good day💛

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