Chapter Two

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 Another morning, another day going by as if it were a blur.

Nothing really mattered anymore, other than achieving an entangled goal that was going to always be out of his reach. Even if though he could breathe and control the flames that leapt from his lips, he was still considered a worthless human being. A mere thing.

He sunk his teeth deeper into his hand as he scrunched his eyes tightly closed, trying to fight off the brimming tears that threaten to fall from his eyes. A faint knock on his door pulled him from his thoughts, wiping away the tears and stuffing his bleeding hand into a pocket, "Y-yeah? What is it?"

"Breakfast is ready, Midoriya." A faint voice was heard from the other side as the thin green haired male shouted an 'okay' before quickly gathering bandages to wrap his hand up. Changing out of his dirtied pants and replacing them with skin tight black shorts that reached mid-thigh, and throwing on a dark evergreen sweater that fell off one of his thin shoulders as he left his small room.

The loud chatter of the children filled the hall as he tightly closed his fists, clenching his sharpened teeth as he some of them looked at him with disgust. He narrowed his emerald eyes as he turned on his heel, going to grab his bag (which was filled with his biology books, a note pad, pens and emergency food) and jacket from his room before leaving. He hated being here. He hated being at this orphanage.

He slipped on the murky green coat that fell to his knees and then shouldered his black bag, as he slipped on a pair of black sockets and his red sneakers. Quickly making his way out of the old building as he kept his head lowered, if only the accident hadn't happened, he would be at home with his mother. Her warm meals sitting in his stomach only for them to be thrown up an hour later. But it wasn't because of the food that made him sick it was because of his changed taste palette that only allowed him to crave human meat. A smile curled at his rosy lips as he wandered in the fresh morning air, head lowered slightly as his green locks covered his right eye.

His mother; so warm it was nearly suffocating. Too bad she had to endure drowning and the warmth she had was put out like a light.

His chest felt heavy like water was sitting in his lungs, he placed a bandaged hand on his chest as he rubbed small circles to try and calm himself. So, absorbed in trying to fight off a panic attack he didn't realized he had ran into someone, which ended in him falling on his butt. He blinked slowly as all the pressure in his lungs disappeared, his emerald eyes staring up at a hooded figure that towered over him. A pale hand reached out to him as he stared at the ivory appendage, blinking his eyes quickly he took the hand pulling himself up. His hand began to burn as the bandages flakes away to dust and Izuku could only stare in wonder as his skin followed suit.

Izuku recoiled his hand but only to grab the man's wrist, eyes wide with fascination as he looked up at the thin male, voice light and airy, "Your quirk... It's so fascinating. I'm Izuku Midoriya."

The figure in the hood looked at him with shock as he let his thin lips curl into a smirk, voice raspy and rough, "Well, that's the first I've heard something like that, my quirk is normally seen in a more... negative view."

Izuku released the man's wrist as he looked at his damaged hand, humming softly as he ran his tongue over the faintly bleeding wound, peering up at him, "...I'm not the most normal person out there and all quirks have fascinating properties. I used to take a lot of notes on heroes and their quirks, I haven't done it in a while though but I've been meaning to update and add a few..."

"Hey kid," The figure slung his arm around Izuku's shoulders, leaning on him as he chuckled, "How about you come and help me out and in exchange for something? Too be stronger or to be feared, whatever it is you may want."

Strong. The word seemed so foreign on his tongue and in his mind. He didn't think he could become such a word that he barely realized that the figure was directing him to an alleyway. This man, this stranger offered to help him be powerful. He barely considered the consequence as he responded, "I'll help you, though... I do have a peculiar taste in food..."

The figure merely chuckled as he offered an unsettling grin, "We'll figure out detail later. Now, Midoriya, my name is Shigaraki Tomura and I am a part of the League of Villains."

The boy's eyes widened as he clenched his fists, he didn't ever thing about coming a villain but those who put him down never said he couldn't. Though being a villain did have its perks, one being his food would be easier to collect and another that he'd get stronger. He gave Shigaraki a lop-sided grin as his eyes gained a red hue, "I'd be glad to help you, however I can."

The grin on Shigaraki's lips threaten to split his face in two as he laughed, "Excellent, welcome Izuku Midoriya to the League of Villains."

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