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Elmo: "So tomorrow I'm going to apply for a job."

Chanel: "Sweet! Where at?"

Elmo: "I'm trying Footlocker..."

Chanel: "Elmo, that's great!"

Elmo: "Yeah, my friend Anthony Reeves works there too."

Chanel: "Anthony... He sounds cool."

I got a notification saying Leilani was live.

Elmo: "Oh. It's that bitch that played me for like a month."

Chanel: "Elmo!" I laughed.

Elmo: "Isn't she dating Reed, a 14 year old, and just got done playing Andre?"

Chanel: "Yeah... but I heard Andre and Gabi are talking..."

Elmo: "Andre's cool but I hate that Leilani chick."

Chanel: "Soooo... what are we doing before bed?

Elmo: "I'm kinda feeling popcorn and another horror movie, what about you?"

Chanel: "sounds good!"

Lola and Bugs were in the bedroom, still sleeping. We didn't want to wake them so we shut the bedroom door.

Elmo: "Lights off?

Chanel: "Lights off."

Elmo turned the lights off and plopped on the sofa. He put his arm around me and dug into the popcorn. A jump scare scared me and I hid my face into Elmo's jumper.

Elmo: "You okay babe?" he chuckles.

Chanel: "Yeah, I'm fine." I chuckle back.

I feel like the last puzzle piece of my life was put together. It was Elmo. It's like he's the other half I've been waiting on all my life. When I first saw him, I was afraid to talk to him, when I first talked to him, I was afraid to like him, when I first liked him I was afraid to love him, now that I love him, I'm afraid to lose him.

What if I didn't meet him, and I wouldn't have anyone else? No, Elmo, no Bugs, no Lola, no nothing...

Once again, Elmo falls asleep on my shoulder. I turned the TV off and fell asleep on him.

Elmo O'dwyerWhere stories live. Discover now