What's New?

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The hand slams the heavy textbooks against the table. She clears her throat. "Class."

The chatter from the students gradually dims out. "This," she says, gesturing towards me, " -is our new student, Sydney. She is from..." she stops abruptly and looks at me for help.

"Los Angeles," I say, finishing for her.

"Yes, and you may have a seat...right there, next to Samuel."

I nod and sit at the seat I am assigned to.

For the rest of the period, I scan the classroom for anybody who fits my appearance. A popular group, who chews gum and flirts with hot boys. A sassy group who all they care about is their nails and their hair. The nerdy group. My eyes stop there. I measure their fashion sense, maybe not my type but definitely better than the previous two groups. Okay. Let's give this a try. After class, I catch up with them in the hallways.

"Uh, hi."

They turn around in unison, eyes wide with curiosity.

I smile sheepishly."I'm Sydney. And as you know I am the new transfer student."

They nod like I'm giving an informational speech and they are trying to understand me.

"If you don't mind, can I hang out with you guys from now on?"

The first person to react is a girl with bright blue eyes. "Yes, of course. We're happy to have you in. So which class are you going to next? By the way, I'm Mia."

I yank out my schedule. "History. Do you know which way it is?"

"I can take you there," Another girl volunteers. "I have history next too. I'm Allison."

We shake hands, her fingers giving a tight squeeze to mine.

2 Months later

"I miss you so much," I whine, rolling onto my stomach.

"Yeah right, you don't even know how awful it's been eating lunch with those gross boys. If you were there, you would probably puke."

"Why don't you switch a table? I mean without me, you're the only girl there."

"I don't know," she hesitates then decides to switch the topic. "Hey, enough about me. How about you? Have you made any new friends?" She teases.

"Obviously. I'm not that anti-social."

"Yeah? Tell me about it."

"Well, ...there's this girl called Allison." I sit up and lay back against my pillow. "By the way, have you noticed how similar your names are? Except hers is spelled with an A."

"Haha. Very funny," She says sarcastically.

I smirk. "Anyways, I guess you can call her my 'best friend' at my school. You know, she's super smart and you'll find yourself learning so many bizarre facts from her."

She groans. "Ewww, is she the nerdy type?"

I wince from the way she says it. "Stop being so judgy."

"Sorry, it's just I never knew you were that type of girl."

"My grades are higher now."

"Hmmm...was I a distraction to you?"

I am about to answer when my phone buzzes. The screen reads Allison.

I silently swear. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry, I got to go. Allison's calling me for the new science project we are working on. Call you later?"

I hear her sigh in disappointment. 'Go ahead, smarty pants."

I chuckle. "Thanks, Ellison, you're the best."

Turns out, I didn't have time to contact her that night. And not the night after either. Nor the third day.

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