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Another 3 months later

I haven't contacted her for 92 days. I haven't contacted my so-called best friend for that long. And every time I think about her, I feel numb. Maybe it was because we were so far apart. We each had our own lives to worry about. I thought about how I promised to be best friends with her forever. Only now, I think Allison is my best friend. Only now, when I think about it, I'm not afraid to tell Allison my deepest darkest secrets like what we used to do, Ellison and I in the filthy stalls of the girls' bathroom. I realize we are slowly drifting apart. I realize the bond between us was not as strong as I thought it would be. And I realize I can survive without her.

Another 7 months

I called her once within 224 days. Short talk. Small conversations. Nothing important. Nothing personal. I barely know her now.

Another 12 months.

One year. No news from her. I don't bother calling her anymore. School has been stressful. Allison is there to help me get over the tough times. Funny how it used to be Ellison who comforted me.

Another 24 months.

Wow. Can't believe we graduated from high school. Parsons School of Design accepted me and now I am pursuing my dream of being a fashion designer.

Last night, Allison and I cried tears of joy and misery altogether. We hugged each other so tight both of us almost passed out. We wiped away our snot, we signed our names on each others' back, we sang till midnight. No matter how I wished, how I prayed that time would freeze at that right moment, I knew, under the sheet covers, I knew while carving our names onto the desks, that everything would move on eventually. We would have to say goodbye. I thought deeper as I sang my favorite old country song with Allison, deeper, deeper underground...and I found it: the friends I make in college will one day be total strangers too.

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