ACE chemicals pt1

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While running after Jeremiah into ACE Chemicals building, I hadn't Lucius pour a vile into one of the chemical pools before Jeremiah got inside. This chemical would allow the chemicals to not harm anyone if someone were to fall in. But this would only last for one one. By the time both of us had entered the building, the potion poured only as 15 minutes last before the chemicals became deadly.

I had told Jim and Harvey my plan but had also informed the GCPD and the extra enforcement that were sent into Gotham. I told them my plan and the two most important parts of this plan. ONE, do not shoot Jeremiah and TWO. If I fall into the chemicals, do not pull me out until it hits 15 seconds before the vile wares off. If the vile wares off, pull me out.

Even though it sounds crazy, I know that even though Jeremiah went crazy, he would not let something horrible happen to me. I had a war piece in my ear with Lucia's telling me that the chemicals are good, but the time is only 15 minutes. Once he was completed giving me the information, I took my war piece out, and everything was falling into place.

"JEREMIAH, STOP," I scream as he makes his way up to the ratings above the chemical pools.

"You don't have to do this,"
"YES, I DO!"he yelled back
"If I have to fight you just to be an important part of your life, then so be it," he said in an angry voice, but there was a sad undertone.

He came at me, throwing a punch with his right hand, then threw with his left hand. I blocked his punches as I moved back.  He pulls out a knife, and now the situation has become deadly. I suddenly takld him to the ground, and his knife slid across the floor.

"Jeremiah,  I don't want to fight you," I said.
"Then tell me one thing."
"What is it?"
Suddenly, he rolled us around once, so he was on top, and I was pinned between him and the railing floor.
"Tell me you feel it," he said as he grabbed my chin.
"Tell me you feel the connection between us, you feel it, don't you? I have done so many things for you, so you can feel it as well, "he finished  saying.
Hearing him say these things so passionately throws my mind off slightly.
"Harming and threatening the ones I love and care about Jeremiah  doesn't make me feel anything for you."
"It makes me hate you,"
Ad I sadi that his face is showing anger. Like he could possibly throw another ounch, but I continued on.
"I did feel a connection between us before, but now I don't feel it, anyone." When I finished saying that, i could see the crushed look on his face if he only knew the truth. I see him then mask that disappoint.
Suddenly he he stood up and violently pulled me up from the ground and pushed me up against the railing. I looked behind me at the chemical pools to make sure we were over the top of the pool that the vile was poured into.

"What do I have to do, huh?" he yelled at me. "I'm all you need in your life,"

As he was yelling, I felt the railing syart to loosen on my back. But in the corner of my eye, I saw Jim, Harvey, and everyone else. But what I didn't expect was to see Alfred there as well. I didn't know he would come.

"What are you looking at?" Jeremiah yelled, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Nothing," I reply.
"You're lying, and I don't like people lying, especially if it is you, Bruce.
"Jeremiah, can I ask you something?"
"Do you still care about me?"

I can see the look anger on his face start to go away while he thinks of his answer. But as he is thinking, I'm realizing time is running out before the chemicals become harmful again.

"Jeremiah, answer me," I demand.
"No," he replied. But I know he is lying. So I call him out to try and get him to confess.

" it is you who is lying now,"
"What are you daying", he questions.
"If you didn't care about me, then you wouldn't try so hard to get me to feel what you feel."
I continued my speech,"You wouldn't be so hard to be a part of my life."

"SHUT UP," he yelled  and started to push me harder against the railing. His hands were on my face as he spoke.
"NO," I yelled back. "I know you deny it, but you can't lie when you say that there is not  a small part of you that cares about me. I know you haven't forgotten about the memories we shared together before the spray turned you. "

As he said that the railing behind me broke. I fell back but felt Jeremiah's gloved hand grabbed a hold of mine. Now my body is hanging Ober the edge of the railing.

"You do care about me. If you don't, then you would let me fall. "
"Maybe I do," he replied in a sofe tone for once.
"Now, pull me up, NOW." I act as if i am terrified of falling, even though I am slightly terrified. But a realization just hit me, and now i am truly terrified. The vile poured in has less than 5 minutes.

As he was stating to pull me up, there was a loud thump. It was the sound of a gun being dropped onto the floor.
"There is one here is there. And you lied and said it was only us and nobody else."

Jeremiah me up now, "I plead
"Only If you answer what was the cause of that noise. It was a dropped gun, wasn't it. "

I ralsise I have no choice but to tell the truth. I'm running out of time. "Fiine, it was the GCPD."
"You brought them here to shoot me, huh. This was all a plan the whole time. " He began to get angry again.

"No, this wasn't part of any plan. I told them not to shoot you, "I replied, trying to get him to calm down and pull me up.
"Really, Bruce."
"YES, NOW PULL ME UP," I yelled. Time is running out.
"Fine, but on one condition. Join me and help me paint this city red and rebuild Gotham. "
"NO, I won't join you." I could never betray this place.
" Then I will let you fall right into those chemicals below you." He started to loosen his grip on my hand.

I know I shouldn't join him. I should have just let him drop me.  Time is a delicate thing, and my time is disappearing. Within the next couple of seconds, if I fall, I might not come back the same. Everything is going to plan. At least, I think it is.
" If I join you, will you stop killing and won't hurt the people I care about?"
" I can't promise all that. What would be fun about that?" he says.
"Jeremiah," I say in an exhausted voice.
"Fine, I can't promise no killings, but I promise to keep your butler and friend safe."

That was all I needed to hear. "Fine, now pull me up."
"Once I pull you up, he will seal this deal with a kiss."
He starts to pull me up, but all of a sudden, his glove slips off, and I feel my body falling. Then splash!
My body hits the chemicals, and now I will never be the same. It will be too late to save me from the chemical changes.

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