Chapter 4-Connecting

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I saw the moon around me. I looked down, and realized I was wearing a spacesuit, though, I looked a bit taller than normal. I looked at my watch, and saw a slight reflection of my face in the watch, though, it wasn't my reflection, it was Thalissa's.

I made a conscious effort to become my own person. I opened my eyes, and I could see her clearly, though, I had no body.

"Thalissa? What are you doing out here?"

She jumped, looking around, then paused. "Artemis?"

"Yeah, this is your sis. Why are you out here?"

She shrugged. "Looking around. I want a backup if we can't contact earth. I want to see if there are any other safe houses, and maybe a way of getting down."

I nodded, though, I doubt that she could hear me nodding.

"Well, at least I know the medications working for you. You only seem to be able to contact me when you're in a deep sleep."

"Yeah, I guess it does work. Then again, I don't know what I'll feel like in the morning, but aside from that, yeah, it seems to be working."

"True," she nodded. "I'm glad something's working. I'm really worried about the plan working. Especially since we're using Val to... "

"You're using Val? What if you hurt her. Or, what left of her."

"She's just a robot, a robot head at this point, and we need her parts to finish the circuit for the wifi tower. Otherwise, we won't be able to contact earth. Val's helping, not being harmed."

"Okay, Thalissa. I believe you."

She smiled. "Glad you understand. Who are you going to try and contact with you cell?"

I thought for a moment. "Probably Emma. She knows a lot of people, so she can spread word fast."

There was an awkward silence.

"Well, goodnight Artemis."

I smiled, even though she couldn't see me. "Goodnight, sis."

However, I didn't drift back to sleep. I saw Thalissa fade away, but as I opened my eyes, I saw Bryan hovering over me.

"Hey, you awake Lunah?"

I groaned and sat up. "It's 4 in the morning. Did you seriously ask a sleeping person if they're awake Bryan?"

There was a pause. "Well, yeah, I guess."

I shook my head. "Think about it. A sleeping person, if they're awake."

He looked really confused. "Okay, yeah. Whatever. So, I just found Val's head in the room where they're making the wifi tower. Yah know, so we can contact earth?"

I stood up, and stretched. "Yeah, I know. Why?"

He grinned mischievously, grabbed my hand, and pulled me along with him. We ran down the stairs and down some halls. We took a lot of sharp turns. I tried to remember them so I could come here again. Left, right, right, straight, left, oh forget it, I'll just ask Bryan if I want to come back.

"Okay, here we are."

I realized we were still holding hands. I blushed and let go.

"So, what did you want to show me?"

He grinned, and stepped in.

"Hello, are you Artemis?"

I looked. It was Val. She had different metal parts all over her body, but her face was the same, well, except with more color in her face than before. She actually looked alive.

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