The couples' booth

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Bianca's POV

I woke up with a terrible headache. I was buried and all tangled up in a pile of blankets, not really knowing where I was, but I knew that I wasn't home. I tried to get up, but the throbbing pain in my head just got worse and it made sitting impossible. So I just lied down and tried to look around and see where the hell I actually was.

"Good morning!" I heard Danny's voice. That's when I put the pieces together and realized that I was in his apartment... sleeping on his couch and... oh my god! Wearing his pajamas. He walked towards me and threw a small pillow at my face.

"What the... hell?" I mumbled. I knew that Danny could see the confusion in my eyes, but I just needed to know what actually had happened last night. He just looked at me with a slightly amused smile.

"So... you were really drunk." He started to talk with a tone that reminded me of my kindergarten teacher who always read stories to me when I was little.

"Yeah I know that I was drunk, but—" my voice was really fuzzy and unclear "—did I do anything stupid?"

"Not really" He said after a while. I was relieved, the kiss we shared must have been just a dream. OF COURSE! He would never kiss me.

"I took you home, but you were so drunk that I didn't want to leave you alone. That's why you're here, we took your stuff and came here."


"Yeah well you slept like a baby on my couch though."

"Wait, why am I wearing your pajamas then?"

"Umm... you saw them in my closet and wanted to wear them so I thought that arguing with a drunk guy wasn't worth it." He laughed at me as he clearly saw my embarrassment.

"And what about Greg and Shane?"

"They left earlier. We'll meet them at the airport in—" Danny grabbed my hand to see the time from my watch. "—in two hours."

"I'm not sure if I want to hear any more of my stupid stunts from last night—" I buried my face in the sheets as I tried to hide my blushing face. My cheeks felt like they were burning, full of little fireworks crackling on the surface of my skin, making my body feel really light but super heavy at the same time. It felt like I was floating like a feather but sinking like a huge weight. All of these feelings just bursted out of my body and it felt so new but so familiar. If this was what being in love felt like, I wasn't sure if I was ready. With Danny I felt like a kid in middle school who had a huge crush, but never had the nerve to really admit it. He really brought the soft side of me to the surface, and it made me feel so vulnerable but so safe at the same time.

(*they got ready and took a cab to the airport.*)

Adore's POV

The morning was definitely not easy. I lied to him and it felt really bad and wrong in all possible ways, but it was for the best. I knew that he had only kissed me because he was drunk and not himself, and by telling him I only could've messed things up.

We met Greg and Shane at the airport, all really tired and everything. They had already brought us some breakfast and coffee. Thank god!

"Ooooh well, how's our cranky old lady?" Shane hugged Roy, obviously knowing that he wasn't a hugger. Roy just grunted and hid his face again, but this time in his giant navy blue hoodie that he was wearing.

"He's recovering", I said and gave him my amused smile again.

"Shut up bitch!" He murmured with his raspy voice, but I swear to god that I saw him smile and chuckle silently under that huge hood.

Biadore - crazy in loveWhere stories live. Discover now