Chapter 1

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You know who I am don't you?
I've had a hard life and its gotten worse since I started working for BigHit... All the practicing and dancing. It's hard. Something that some people don't seems to understand.
But when death threats are added it gets a whole load harder. Sounds stupid doesn't it?

"Suga ya gotta wake yo lil ass up!" JHope was shaking me,
I threw my pillows at him which made him scream.
Wimp, I thought.
"Dude we've got a lot of hard wo- oweee!"
Hehe I threw my lamp at him.
"Jin!" I shouted and got out of bed,
"Yea? Food is nearly done,"
"JHope woke me up, and he has to buy a new lamp!"
"I told him to wake you and what?" Jin put the spoon down and looked at me, "Let me guess...You threw your lamp at him?"
"Duh how else was I supposed to stop him!"
"He broke my beautiful FACEU!" JHope walked into the kitchen,
"And?" Jin said not amused,
"Ha!" I laughed and poked him, "Imma get dressed,"
"And shower!"
I stuck my tongue out and both of them and went to the bathroom to shower. Then I got dressed into something comfy because once again we have a hard day ahead.
"Breakfast is ready bishes!" Jin shouted,
I cursed.
Hehe I stubbed my toe...
I ran out putting my top on and ran into a door and then Jungkookie,
"Ow!" Jungkook said as I ran into him,
I hugged him, "Sorry,"
"Suga hugged me!"
"What!?" Namjoon appeared out of no where with a door handle, "Can you put this back on the bathroom door?"
I broke the hug and grabbed the door handle, "Sure after food..."
Namjoon thanked me then ran into the kitchen.
"How can he B-"
"I don't know I don't have a clue," Jungkook put his arms up in defeat,
"Took your time," Taehyung looked at us then the door handle,
"Seriously!" Jimin slapped RM's arm,
"Seriously!" Namjoon started tucking into the small amount of pancakes,

"Hey guys! We better work hard! We need to show EXO who's boss!" Si-Hyuk greeted us with a smile,
"No," I said, "How can we then they started them fucking threats!"
"Don't curse!"
"Fuck shit cunt bitch,"
"Dear god..."
"Ew God!"
"Go get into your space!"
I pulled a face and threw my bag down next to the other then slowly went to my space for the start of Fire.
We went through all of the songs for tour five times! We then had anhour long break which I used to nap and the others tried annoying me by putting there phones on my face for there Vlives,
"Say hi~~~" Jin said laughing,
I opened my eyes and brought Jin into a tight hug which he hates!
"I don't like these kind of hugs!" He whined,
"Guess what?"
"oh! What?"
"I do something called what I want!"
"Please yeet me,"
And that's what I did.
"He's not in a good mood," Jin said the fans,
"It's Suga hyung sleeping," Jiminie said,
"Get that phone out of my face unless you want me to ruin your pretty face!" I warned,
"Woah!" JHope gasped,
I sat up and looked, "What?"
"Holy aphrodite who's that?" JHope pointed to the mirror, "Wait no thats me...Hello beautiful,"
"You look like a horse,"
"You look like a turtle," Jungkook said,
"Hey!" I got up and walked out,
"Where you going?" Si asked as I walked passed,
"OK be quick though,"
"Sure," I walked into the bathroom and locked myself in the stall at the end.
I whipped my phone out and looked on twitter to see many more threats towards BigHit and BTS.
I sighed and looked through them. Some of them were to one of us and some were to all.
'I wish that Jin would go jump of a cliff into acid. It looks like he made his lips explode!'

'I don't get why BTS and BigHit are Still working! It's pathetic they don't see how bad they are and there songs are auto tuned! It's obvious! Go kill your selves @BTS_twt'

'@BTS_twt just go! No one likes you and they never will!'

'Hey I think Jungkook should have some acid thrown at his face! I think it'll be a good face lift!'

I stopped when I saw some positive posts to.

'@BTS_twt don't listen to them bitches! They don't know what they're saying but their are many ARMYs in the world!'
The positive ones were from the same person, her name is @JiKyung_ARMY.
I typed her name in on Instagram (she out in her description that she has an account) and private messaged her.

스가_Suga: Hey! I saw you putting them positive posts on Twitter you've made me more happy :))

I put my phone away and I heard someone come in and wlak to my stall,
"Hyung? You've been here for ages I know your in there cos this is the one you usually go in... We're practicing the songs again and then we need your genius brain for fums things to do in between some of the songs..."  It was Jungkook,
"Ok... Be there in a minute,"
"Ok..." I heard his footsteps go out of the door,
I sighed and walked out if the stall and looked at myself in the mirror,
Why Jungkook it should be me getting the acid, I thought then walked out and back to the dance room,
"I'm back," I muttered,
"OK let's go over the songs another three times and then we can think of many fun things to do," Si-Hyuk clapped,
We rushed to our places for N.O and danced to it, also miming to the words on our parts.

Afterwards we all sat down on the couches and I had the pad and pen," OK... What things should we do?"
"Maybe... Play fighting! It'll be exaggerating and funny," Jungkook piped up,
I wrote that down and then an idea popped in my head, "What about hanging donuts of a wire thingy and we have to jump up and try get a bite in three tries?" I suggested,
"Yea!" Jimin answered while everyone laughed,
"It'll fail for you midget!" Jungkook laughed,
"What? Hey!" Jimin pushed him of the beanbag, "MEANIE!"
"There was no need!" Jungkookie sat back on the beanbag and kicked Jimin.
I chuckled at there cuteness then wrote my suggestion down.
We managed to get fifteen different suggestions by the time it was nine, the time we finish from Monday to Friday.
I gave the pad and pen to Si-Hyuk then grabbed my bag and caught with the others who had left me.
"What do we have to eat tonight?" Namjoon asked,
"Chicken curry," Jin answered putting all the bags in the boot of the car.
"Yes!" Jungkook cheered,
"Get in the car,"
We all got into the car, I was in the front next to Namjoon who was driving.
Behind was Jimin, Taehyung andJungkook who were messing around and and the very back was Hobi and Jin.
"Play some music!" Taetae said loudly,
"Ours?" Namjoon asked,
"No... Why? Can we?"
"If you want?"
"BTS, and Got7,"
I connected Namjoons phone up to the stereo and started the 'BTS and Got7' playlist.
We (excluding me) all sang to it loudly and of key. Jimin slapped the back of my head, "Sing your part,"
"No you can,"  I answered and looked out of the window.
"Don't feel like it,"
"oh...ok," When my part came on Jimin sang it but missed out on loads of parts because it was fast and he was slow. Yea slow. Not like me. Kinda...
Namjoon parked the car in the driveway and we all got out, and then ran inside as it was raining.
"Go get changed while I make dinner," Jin commanded.
I went to my room and got changed into an oversized grey hoodie and some sweatpants.

"Suga. Suga. Suga. Suga. Suga. Suga," Taehyung was knocking on the door and saying my name in between each knock,
"Come in," I called while grabbing my diary.
Yes diary.

I log my sleep times... Hehe I'm not werid I don't do that!
"Hyung can you play with me?Jimin and Jungkook won't," Tae asked,
"Namjoon will!"
"Yah!" Taetae cheered and ran of.
I chuckled at his cuteness and stupidness then opened my diary.

'Hi... I've had a hard working day. It was the same like any other but the threats are getting worse. I have noticed that there are some positives in between by this one girl. @JiKyung_ARMY. She hasn't replied to my message yet but she's probably busy so it doesn't really matter,'

"Dinner!" I heard Eomma Jin shout,

'I have to go now... I will carry on tomorrow'

I shut my diary and put it in my draw and locked it, then went to the kitchen and sat down in front of the hot food.
I wasn't really that hungry to be honest but I still ate it all the same.
"We have a day of tomorrow seeing as we've worked without a day of for three months,"Jim said,
"Thank you!" I prayed,
"So what do you wanna do Tomorrow?"
"Let's go to a funfair!" Hoesek said,
"And ice cream," Jiminie mentioned,
I groaned, "I'm staying home! I'm tired,"
"Ok but if you do hcnage your mind by tomorrow tell me," Jin said,
"Then can we go to a gaming store and toy store?" Jungkook asked,
"Please!" Namjoon said,
"Sure!" Jin answered.
After dinner we were told to do our dishes and go to bed as it was nearly midnight.
"Night!" Jin said to each and everyone of us,
"Night," they all answered him,
I went to my room and closed my door and blinds,then I turned my lamp on low and got under the covers and instantly fell asleep.

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