2- Extra-unexpected-ordinary

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As usual, was the run though it was a bit darker than the other days. Dark clouds hovered like death eaters and none of the birds chirped just like any other dawn. I was familiar with my area, after all, it's been my childhood roam that made me so well-known.

The light at the far corner of the street bickered with something in it. I guessed and was right.

A moth.

On the other side was a fading orange-ish light of an old wooden pole. It's been decades since the house next to it had a human sensed. The train of thought and the look on the bickering light brought me close to my turn.

One step, two steps, three... Men!

Men circling around like a pack of hungry wolves or rather hyenas, I couldn't tell what, It was a mixed feeling, around this battered up guy on his knees, hands clasped together as if he's begging.

Begging them to stop. Begging them to spare his life, for one other tall, dark figure was pointing a gun at him.

I stopped and took a step back. Just a natural reflex. Avoiding has become my speciality. This time it was some magnetism stopping me, pulling me in, to this deep dark black hole.

*Chip* Looking up I saw, the moth was fighting hard with the light but the light didn't back out.

Chip- chop Chip-chop, the moth fights harder.

The two men were continuously arguing about something I couldn't really understand. I was hyperventilating in place of the moth, the knelt guy.

I, frozen at this peculiar incident stared at the moth struggling with the light.

Chip- chop Chip-chop.

In a moment he burns himself and falls down like a feather. Slowly, with the wind, it sways down.

Right in front of my eyes.

He had done his damage, the light blinked once, twice and in a sound of a gunshot it went out.

The knelt guy is no more. I recognized none either. My mind went blank.

Never have I expected to be a witness to a murder. I felt the quiet peaceful life just ascended from my soul.

The next minute every house around is awake.


I who was concealed by the darkness and saved by the moth's final battle is now bare at the eyes of murderers.

The gunned man stared right into my eyes. How did he? I was not in the proper distance for it!

There's a clap of thunder and the rain starts falling down.
In slow motion I see men running towards me. How???

This is a movie right! It can not be real.

"Get her." They shout.

I take no time to get my legs to work it's best. I know these roads better than they do. I know every house better than them. As I get closer to another junction a jeep comes and stops right in front of me, blocking my way.

Shit! I'm trapped.

The rain falls hard on me and the jeep's shutter slowly comes down, revealing his face.

The rain blurred my vision but I was able to grasp one good detail.

His eyes. Filmy

No time for blunt mistakes. I turned and jumped over the wall of the next house and ran to the other side. it was too high, the next wall. so I jumped in front. Came face-to-face with the jeep but just a few steps away.

Dumbfounded jeep gang stared without moving.

Of course, how stupid of me to jump over a wall just to get past the car that's blocking my way. I turn and run the other way. I know, My brain froze earlier.

Taking advantage of their stun, I run. I know a place on this road. Just around the corner. Yes, that! Jump.
Laying down in the bushes not knowing which is unsafe, I ease my breath. A hand to the heart and a hand to the mouth. I breathed slow. The house behind me feels creepy and even more to know or not know of the old couple living there.

Feet rustled in the rain along with a slow whisper. I was just under their nose. "Where did that bitch go?" One man says. "She must have run into that alley."
The sound of feet stomping the ground faded away, "No, She must've jumped over somewhere and might be hiding." My breath! I'm an Egyptian mummy now. frozen in time.

"What are you telling boss? We can't search for every single house."
A vehicle engine roared and came to a halt. If I had even breathed a small breath I would be dead by the next.

The vehicle door opens and closes with a thud. "Get in. We don't have time."
"But sir, that .! I swear if I find her spilling stories on us I'll finish her life."
"I'm sure she knows it too. For now, we need to leave."

One by one the footsteps faded into where the vehicle engine was fiercely hollering. I waited and waited for what felt like an eternity and a half.


Another low breath escaped. I was right. He was waiting for me to come out.

"She must've run home already sir."

"I don't know, but I've had a strange feeling that she's right here." I heard a low chuckle. "What was she thinking when she jumped over that wall."

They laughed and then the vehicle moved away. Still, I couldn't muster up the courage to get up. My immobilised feet couldn't get the signal to move as my brain was still struggling.

All that pent-up Carbon-dioxide was out now in a loud sigh.
The rain continued. I knew I was late. Finally my legs came to a start. I stood up slowly and jumped back over the wall.

Removed and turned my hoodie inside out making black from grey and ran.

That day I didn't turn up at work.


Enjoy reading my imagination.



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