Chapter 3

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The Winchesters stay in the same motel as you do, which is quite weird because you didn't notice them before. Charlie invites the boys into your room, so you can continue in the research. You sit on a chair and take the laptop, which you and Charlie share.

"Hey, let me do it." Charlie says, trying to take the laptop from your hands.
"Hey! I found the puppet, so I'll do the research." Charlie eyes you for a moment, but then gives up. You smile happily and turn back to the screen. You raise your eyes from the screen, when you feel someone's gaze on you. You meet Dean's eyes. He is looking at you strangely with raised eyebrow. You better look back to the laptop, flushing. Charlie sits next to you and sips his beer, while you are researching.

"Guys, I think I found something." Sam yanks you out of your thoughts what to google next. You go next to Sam and look over his shoulder. You feel Dean and Charlie behind your back.

"So look, I googled the name, which was written on the puppet." Sam starts explaining. Suddenly you feel a hand resting on your back. You tense and then immediately relax, when you realize, that it's probably Charlie's. He pretends to be your boyfriend after all. You start to listen to Sam again. Apparently the puppet is over 100 years old and travels around the world around collectors. It's a puppet, which was used for a famous play and played there a big role. But after the theater burned, only this puppet survived and was sold to a man called Benjamin Harper. He was found dead, dehydrated and starved. This has happened many times all over the world. So it's definitely the puppet.

"Ok, let's find out how to kill it. In the puppet could be a ghost of the maker maybe?" You suggest.

"No, that doesn't make sense. The puppet was the whole time in the theater, not at his house. And the maker sold a lot of puppets to many theaters and only this one is cursed. It has to be something else." Sam disagrees, shaking his head.
All at once the hand on your back starts to draw little circles and it feels kinda weird, if you consider that it's your brother. You give a question look to Charlie, but he doesn't look at you. Instead he walks around the table and enter something into your laptop. You freeze when you realize that it's not Charlie's hand on you back. You look at Dean, but he isn't looking at you either. He is looking at the screen and slightly smirking. Bastard!

You try to play it cool and pay attention to Sam's research.

"Well, what else would it be?" You ask, your voice lightly shaking.

"I don't know; give me a chance to find it out." Sam chuckles.

"I think I found something this time." Charlie exclaims from the other side of the table. This gives you chance to get out of Dean's reach. You quickly move to your brother to see what he found. The Winchesters follow you.

"I heard about this from Simon, remember him (y/n)?" Charlie turns to you, smirking. Oh yeah, of course you do. He is a friend of Charlie's and he always flirts with you. After he kissed you and you punched him in the nose, Charlie had to take him to a hospital, because you broke his nose. And Charlie teases you about him ever since.

You give your brother a warning look, but he just chuckles and continues talking.

"He told us about these puppets, he killed one of them. They can literally make you do what they want but they only use their powers to make you watch their performance and then take your energy for themselves. I guess after the theater burned, the puppet just has missed the attention."

"How do we kill it?" Dean asks.

"We have to burn it, but first we have to chop it with some of the maker's tool. "

"Where do we find these tools?" You ask Charlie.

"We have to get to a museum of Samuel Puppet." He says.

"Puppet? Seriously?" Dean comments.

"Where is the museum?" Sam asks, ignoring his brother.

"It's 5 hours away. We can drive there tomorrow." Your brother answers.

"So should we leave the puppet in your room?" Sam frowns, thinking.

"What? No way, Charlie, we can't keep the puppet here over night." You please. The creepy puppet won't be in the same room as you.

"Awww, calm down sweetie. I will protect you." Charlie winks at you. You cross your arms on your chest.

"I don't want to sleep in the same room as Chuckie!" You protest. Dean laughs at your reference and you reward him with a smile.

"Hey, Charlie. She might be right." Sam agrees with you.

"But where should we put it then? In the car?" Charlie frowns.

"Yes!" You grab the puppet and walk outside towards your car. You don't want to wait for them until they agree on something. You unlock your car and throw it inside. When you turn around, you nearly scream.

"You know, (y/n), you shouldn't have lied to me." Dean smirks at you.

"What? I haven't lied to you." You stutter.

"Oh, so you are really Charlie's girlfriend? I don't think so." He comes closer to you, pinning you to the car and resting his hands on each side of your head.

"I know that you're his sister. I'm not stupid." He whispers, his face only inches form yours. You swallow hard, trying not to blush.

"It was my brother's idea." You try to excuse yourself.

"Good." He whispers in a voice, which sends shivers down your spine. You are expecting that he will kiss you. But instead he pulls away and leaves you alone at your car. You have to stay there for while to calm down your heart and make your legs work. You feel like he just had sex with you. You shakily walk back to your room and go directly to bed.

AN: So what do you think about this? I hope you like it:) 

The Power of Temptation (Supernatural fanfic - Dean x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat