Chapter 11

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Dean grins as he sees you. Wow, this is a nice change, finally a happy Dean again! When he walks past you, he gently strokes your butt. You tense because of this touch and try to stop yourself from blushing, which doesn't really work. Sam unfortunately notices your change.

"Hey, you OK?" He asks, worried.

"Yeah, (y/n), you ok?" Dean joins, smirking. You shoot him a glare and then look at Sam.

"Yep, why wouldn't I?" You better sit down on one of those chairs and join Sam in research. After a while you finally find the freaking werewolf! The man shifts from the wolf-form directly in front of the camera. Such an amateur! But at least you now know how he looks like.

"Ok, let's go!" You jump from the chair, excited to kill someone.

"Whoa, calm down (y/n). We first need to identify this person." Sam chuckles. Your mood is still very good and you are getting excited, because you will finally find out, who this person is.

"Let's go to the police station, someone might recognize him." Dean suggests and you happily agree.

All of you arrive at the police station, dressed as FBI agents again. You have to admit to yourself that both of the Winchesters look amazing in the suits! Especially Dean...

"Hmm, he reminds me someone, hold on…" The police officer called John walks away and then returns with a file.

"Yeah, it's him. His name's Robert Anderson, he lives alone at an old farm, pretty far away. We've already arrested him for some thefts, but for murders? Make sure that it's really him before you arrest him." He hands you the file and you thank him before you walk away. You high-five with Dean as you sit in the impala. I guess he's not on his period anymore.

The boys drop you off at your motel and promise you that they will pick you up in 30 minutes. You quickly prepare for the hunt – you stuff in your pockets some silver bullets, silver knives and you change your clothes in to your hunting ones.

When you get out of the motel, the impala is just parking in front of your room. You quickly jump in, smiling widely.

"You know, it's kinda scary that you're so excited (y/n)." Dean looks at you through the rearview mirror. Your smile gets even wider.

The old farm looks super creepy, there is an old truck in front of it and the whole old house just gives you a weird feeling. You slowly step out of the impala and glance around. When you notice a strawman on the field, you shiver. You really hate this place.

You and the boys agreed, that you will knock on the door and play a lost girl, while Dean and Sam will go through the back door and surprise him.

You slowly walk up the steps, ignoring the cracking sound your footsteps make, and knock on the door. Sam and Dean have already disappeared.

After an eternity the door opens and reveals a mid-aged guy - Robert.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but my car broke and I don't have any signal on my phone here, so I was wondering if I could call someone from your house phone?" You smile at him, making your best puppy eyes.

"Yeah, come on in." He invites you in and when you step in you realize that you are in a big problem. In the living room is sitting 3 more people. Oh please, don't be werewolves.

Robert, the werewolf, leads you to his house phone and points at it, when you approach it. You swallow hard, something is wrong; Dean and Sam are supposed to be here already!

When Robert returns to the living room, you don't bother to call anyone. You take out your gun and creep back to the living room, as silently as you can.

"So you're with the other hunters as well?" Someone asks behind you. Shit! You quickly turn around and shoot a woman in the heart with silver bullet. She falls on ground, dead. Before you have the chance to return your attention to the other people (hopefully they are people), someone hits your head and you black out.

Ahhh, I hate werewolves so much! But I hope you like this chapter:) Let me know what you think about it!:)

The Power of Temptation (Supernatural fanfic - Dean x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat