Chapter 13

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"Sammy, I think we should call Charlie and tell him what happened." Dean whispers but it wakes you up anyway.

"Why the hell should we call her ex?" Sam responds.

"He's not her ex! I thought you noticed it, he's her brother for God's sake."

"Don't you dare to call him." You mumble from the bed loud enough for them to hear you.

"Come on (y/n). He's your brother, he should know about this." Dean sounds a bit angry, but you ignore it.

"Dean, he's my brother and I'll decide if I should call him or not." You disagree and although your shoulder hurts as hell, you sit up to see them.

"Why didn't you tell us that he's your brother in the first place?" Sam asks, raising his eyebrows.

"He didn't want you to hit on me." You shrug, which was a mistake, because pain shoot into your shoulder. You make a grimace as the pain stays there.

"How's your shoulder?" Sam questions.

"It's better." You lie. The boys don't say anything about your obvious lie, they just look at each other with knowing looks.

"So should we set out to the bunker today? You can heal there, (y/n)." Dean offers.

"The bunker?"

"Yeah, we stay there most of the time." Sam shrugs.

"I hope you're not some psychos, guys." You sigh and stand up from the bed. Sam chuckles at your comment and Dean helps you to get to the bathroom.

"Thanks, I'll handle it here myself." You smile at him and close the door in front of his nose. You lean on the door and relax for a while. Because of the blood loss you have a huge headache and your whole body is super weak. You slowly get into the shower and take a long one, washing the blood away. Nonetheless it's pretty hard, because you can't make the bandage wet.

"(Y/n), hurry up!" Dean yells at you behind the door. You sigh and step out of the shower, putting on your clothes. Where is my t-shirt? Did I just walk here just in my bra before?!

You open the door just a little bit and pop your head out.

"Guys, could you pass me my t-shirt?" You shout. Dean appears in front of the door.

"We had to rip it, remember?" Dammit!

"Mhm, could you maybe lend me one?" You ask shyly. Dean smirks, but gives you one of his t-shirt. You thank him and quickly put it on. You try to act normal and resist sniffing the t-shirt all the time, because it smells like him!

You stop at your motel before heading to the bunker. You change your t-shirt, although you want to keep Dean's, but he would think that you feel something towards him and you don't want to be so obvious. It hurts a little and you have to fight with the t-shirt, but after a minute you are finally wearing your own t-shirt!

You have slept through the whole journey and when you arrive at the bunker, you feel a lot better. The guys show you your room and give you a tour around the bunker. You have to admit, that this place is pretty awesome!

After you settle down in your room, you get back to the library, where Sam and Dean are already looking for a new case.

"Can't you have a day off?" You ask them as you approach them. Both of them ignore you, focusing on the hunt. You sigh and leave them without another word.

You lazily lie on the sofa and turn on the TV. There is a criminal TV show, so you let it on and try to focus on it and ignore the pain in your shoulder. It's still there, even though it got better.

After 2 episodes of The Mentalist, Dean joins you, sitting on the floor and resting his back on the couch. He is so freaking close, that if you just stretched your hand you could run your fingers through his hair. You let slip a quiet moan out of your lips.

"You ok?" He tilts his head back and looks at you.

"Yeah, I just moved and it wasn't good for the shoulder." You lie, praying that he can't see the lust in your eyes. He just smiles and turns back to the screen. When you realize, that Dean is actually sitting on the floor, you frown.

"Dean, why are you sitting on the floor?"

"Well the couch's fully occupied." He laughs.

"Oh, you should have said something. Come here." As you sit up, you hiss of pain.

"No, no, just stay where you're." He shakes his head.

"Well too late, I'm already sitting. It took me so much effort to sit up, so could you move your ass on the couch?" Dean laughs, but stands up and sits next to you.

"How're you feeling? And don't lie to me this time, (y/n)." Dean narrows his eyes on you.

"It could be worse." You smile at him and then turn back to the TV.

"(y/n), would you mind if we switched the channel to Doctor Sexy?" Dean asks you, all serious. You have to hold your laugh, so you just nod in agreement. After 10 minutes of Doctor Sexy Sam comes into the living room and wants to join you, but when he spots what you are watching, he shakes his head and leaves.

After a while you start feeling tired, but you are too lazy to go to your room. Instead you just accidently let your head fall on Dean's shoulder. You freeze as it happens, not knowing what to do. Apologize? Sit up?

When you decide, that you will sit up again, Dean pulls you closer to him and leaves his arm on the backrest of the couch. You don't hesitate and snuggle closer to him, smiling.



"What happened between you and Charlie?" Dean asks.

"It was just an argument, nothing serious." You sigh.

"So why are you hunting alone?"

"Because I thought that we could have a little break from each other." You shrug and pain shoot to your shoulder again. Damn!

"Hey, be more careful." He scolds you.

"Yes, sir!" You chuckle.

You don't even realize that Dean fell asleep, until you hear him snoring. You say to yourself, that you will enjoy his presence few more minutes and then wake him up. But before you can do that, you fall asleep as well.

You are awoken by a big pain in your shoulder. You curse under your breath and sit up, examining it. But you quickly forget about it, when you realize that you slept with Dean, well more likely on Dean, the whole night! You glance on the clock, which hangs on the wall, and shows 3 in the morning. Okay it wasn't the whole night, but still! Maybe if you woke him up now, he wouldn't realize that you slept with him for a while.

You poke him in his shoulder and he responds with a snore. You have to giggle a little because he looks so adorable. You shake with his shoulder, which finally wakes him up.

"Hey, you fell asleep, let's go to bed." You whisper. Dean looks at you confused and nods. You turn off the TV and walk to your room. On your way you wish him Good Night and close the door behind yourself. You quickly change into some more comfortable pants, although you have to leave your t-shirt on. You can't really lift your arm and you can't be bothered to do it now. As soon as your head hits the pillow, you fall asleep.

Mhhm....I am not really satisfied with this chapter, but I hope you like it:) Let me know what you think about it!:)

The Power of Temptation (Supernatural fanfic - Dean x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat