O6. character secrets.

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okay y'all so i found these on tumblr and y'all know how crazy tumblr can be so most of these are just like wtf so fair warning just brace yourself.

i tried to delete all the bad ones but likeeee a secret is a secret. i just deleted the sexual ones completely, that's something y'all can think of by yourselves lmao.

lighthearted: these secrets aren't very harmful, but they're still secrets. they're for characters you can't exactly imagine being bad human beings on the side.

family: these are family secrets, etc. these are the things nobody outside of the home is supposed to see.

involving others: these are secrets you could request a character for or get another character involved with the secret. these are any group secrets, etc. THIS HAS SUBSECTIONS OF ROMANTIC & PLATONIC.

hardcore: these are very hardcore secrets. these are your dirty, life ruining secrets. these could be the ones to get someone accost from their friend group and family.

criminal: these are for those types that love to do illegal things. there definitely are illegal things in the hardcore and maybe some other sections, but this is where the real root of illegal activity is.

embarrassing: these are for the personal dirty little secrets. these are mostly harmless, but embarrassing. this is more for those who still have silly little habits rather than life ruining secrets.

other: this is anything that doesn't fit into the above categories.


i cheated on every test i've ever taken.

i cry out of fear of going to hell every night.

i troll people online constantly. i have nothing better to do.

i never give my real name at any stores/starbucks/etc.

i tell people i donate all the time, but i ever have.

i cry whenever i have to leave my pets.

i inherited a lot of money, but haven't told anyone.

i make fake ouija boards that move on their own.

i pretend not to speak english constantly to avoid being bothered.

i go to car shops constantly & take cars out on a test drive for fun.

i have to google how to do everything for my job.

i read peoples texts over their shoulder constantly.

i dropped out of college, and never told my parents.

anytime i do drugs i pretend its my first time doing them so people will pay attention to me.

i work in IT & know everyone's secrets because i can see what they do at work.

i lie to people about what i'm doing all the time so i seem more interesting.

i only do basic courtesy things when non-strangers are around (hold doors open, say thank you, etc)

i lie about my first kiss to make it seem more excited.

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