"Your special object"

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Barry started walking back and forth around Star labs.

"Allen, it's going to be ok", Harry said trying to calm Barry down.

"No! It's not going to be ok! We don't know where Caitlin is, this is the freaking opposite of ok, Harry I need her right now!" Barry shouted.

Cisco put his hand on Barry's shoulder. "Just please calm down, Thomas is going to CCPD to get some help, he already called joe", said Cisco.

Barry's eyes widened. "You guys didn't tell me he got the police involved! That just made me more paranoid, I need to do something", said Barry.

Cisco gave Barry a nice simple bro hug so he can calm down. "She's ok, I think. Maybe she's just upset, and her phone died. Maybe she um r-ran away", said Cisco.

"Ran away! She wouldn't! We had a talk, and Caitlin wouldn't just run away. She would invite me with her so we can run away together! Oh no, unless she doesn't love me anymore", said Barry.

"Stop! Calm down, Cisco and I are going to go to CCPD, and you won't be alone", said Harry.

Barry nodded as Cisco and Barry grabbed their coats and left.

About ten minutes later, Barry heard footsteps. As he looked up he had seen Iris West, his face had no expression.

"Barry I know Caitlin and I weren't really close, but I'm sorry. Whatever happened to her, we are gonna find her, save her, or I don't know plan a funeral, not that's she's dead it's just people are crazy now a days", said Iris making everything worse.

"Iris That just made me more paranoid. But I didn't call her! Maybe she'll answer to me", said Barry.

Iris nodded in agreement. Barry dialed Caitlin's number and she didn't answer so he had to leave a voicemail.

"Cait, please come home. I need you, I hope your ok. I thought you said you weren't gonna run away. Whatever happened I'm going to come see you, I just wanna feel you in my arms. Cait I love you, please come back", Barry left on the voicemail.

"Barry, shes going to be fine. Maybe we can go to school to take our minds off of this", said Iris.

"There's no school", said Barry.

"There is, kinda. Some students are still there, so maybe this could help you take your mind off things", said Iris.

"Fine", Barry agreed.

At school Barry stayed by his locker.

"Hey Allen, dude you ok", a boy asked Barry.

"I'm f-fine. Oscar", said Barry.

"Are you sure, Where's Caitlin?" Oscar questioned Barry.

"Yesterday my friend jack wanted to go see her so I told him where he could find her", said Oscar.

"Jack? Jack McCarthy. No! What did he say", Barry panicked.

"He told me and I quote "Caitlin and I are meeting at her house, where will she be? I would ask her but her phone is dead". "That's exactly what he said, and I gave him the address, I got to go", said Oscar.

Barry puts his hands on the back of his head. "Oh god, Cait. What did he do to you?"

(Now lets see how Caitlin's doing)

Caitlin wakes up, and she's very uncomfortable, because she's tied up and in the dark.

"Jack! Let me go!" Caitlin shouted.

Jack steps towards Caitlin. "I can see why flash is so in to you, your so beautiful. Barry Allen must be quaking! Oh wait I forgot, Barry Allen and flash are the same person", said Jack.

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