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Jerkily, I slam the door of the car and put one foot after the other as fast as possible, but the shouting of my short beautiful sounding name makes me flinch.
No. I can't say it.

With a deep breath, I turn my head sideways back and look at Damien in the corner of my eye, who looks serious to me and just waiting for me to explain everything in detail.

"I wish you a nice day of school my sister's heart!" He literally yells and comes up to hug me.

Yuck. Hugs.

Disgusted, I stand there and gaze at him questioningly. He grins like never before.
"What did you do with the tough guy Damien?" I ask with a slight smile. He shrugging his shoulders and smiling, he heads for the entrance of the school.

I was just about to leave until someone suddenly stopped me.

"Hola mi amor!", Someone tugs me on the arm and I know who it is.
Olivia Hernandez. My best friend. Latina, self-confident. Latina is enough.

And already begins the eternal talk and talk and talk. Latinas just.
,,My mother almost threw me her shoe yesterday and I started zigzagging, but then she calmed down and made some nice food again and my brother has a girlfriend and I-. "

"Lo siento." (I'm sorry), she murmured softly to herself.
"So much has happened."
"In those two days when we didn't see each other?" I asked.
"Eehmmm?? The life of Latinas is a mess? "She replies as we are about to walk into our old and ugly school building.
"And what were your two days?", She asks me with interest and stares into a person who is very well known to me.

Nathan O'Brien.
My brother Damien's best friend. And the ex-boyfriend of my best friend.
The only true player of the school, of course after Damien I have to say.

His light brown or almost orange hair waving in the morning breeze as he greets Damien. Nathan is this typical rich handsome, who has a character to puke. The great son of Mom and Dad. Because of his unbearable way, I could give him a fist in the face after every sentence he uttered.

Eyes narrowed, I analyze Olivia's oval face that still does not turn away from his face.

She still has not forgotten him.

How can she still run after him, especially after he has twice cheated on her, lied to her and left her so often?
What does love do to us? What happens in our head at this time?
These guys do not care how she feels and whether she's happy or not. After all, he only played with her.

„Olivia. "
"Huh?", She brings out and looks disappointed on the floor. "Look at me," I mean seriously.
Hesitantly, her sad look moves towards me.
"I know that you suffered with him and that he treated you like a piece of dirt and you still loved him so much, but you're not a piece of dirt! You are such a great and beautiful girl. He did not realize it through his egoistic behavior, and probably will not realize it. Nathan has lost you sooner or later this idiot will finally realize what a huge mistake he has made. And then it is too late. So mi amor, never go back to what broke you. Quote of the only true Queen Rihanna. ", I try to cheer her up and put my hand on her tender shoulder.
Olivia wipes tears from her face and shortly thereafter, a sugary smile appears. "Thanks," she whispers, hugging me.

I hate my class. From goons to the cool kiddies, everything is there. And me in the middle. First hour we have history with the best professor there is. His lessons are so interesting that sometimes I forget what's going on around me.

This time it is just like that, but again and again this picture comes to my mind with the letter this morning. A loud knock on the classroom door tears me from the thoughts of the adventurous Roman Empire. "Who the hell bothers my lesson? Come in! "Yells Mr. Woods, no answer." Come in! "
Still nothing.

"Let's move on. Now in the 3rd century, the Romans began to expand their empire. The first provinces were Sardinia and Sicily. ", he interrupts a renewed knock.

He yells, "You have to do everything yourself here, when will I finally retire?" He curses and strolls zigzagging towards the door. "What is so important to disturb this exciting lesson? "He asks the person standing in front of him.
The class is curious and you can see more and more heads poppen the door.

"I'm new here and I'm told I have to go to this class," said a deep cold voice.

"Now? At this moment? "Mr. Woods eyes the boy." Come in, "he sighs. "Introduce yourself and sit next to Carter."

Thank you.

A big boy with ice-blue eyes comes in. A simple blue jeans, a simple white Vans T-shirt and blue and white Old Skool Vans. The typical Sunny Boy from Florida.

"Leon Brown.", It comes from him. "That's it?", Asks our professor.
"To whom should I sit again?" He assures himself with his rough voice.
Leaning against the table, Mr. Woods examines our newcomer. "Carter. Clea Carter. The girl with the curls,"he notes.
Leon's eyes glide around the room and stop by because I'm the only one with curls in this damnable class.

Meanwhile he sits down next to me and the whole class researching.

Mr. Woods continues his lesson and I try to concentrate.
"Are everyone in your class such jerks as this old one?" He looks at me in amusement.
Oh Lord. These eyes.

Heeeyyy, another chapter. ❤️

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