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After seven hours of lessons, we are finally allowed to go home. The first thing I do after leaving the classroom is to take a big sip of ice-cold water. This indescribably good feeling, when you feel like the liquid drives down your throat.

"Clea so huh?", Suddenly a creature appears next to me and makes me spit out the water, I do not like his grin now. I glare at Leon and examine his wide-eyed, big blue eyes, into which you keep coming back
But I can't
Even though..


"Yes, Clea," I answer with a serious face as I screw my bottle away, his grin still chained to his face. "Do you want to do something, you and I, have a little chat?" He bombards me with questions and starts to trot with me towards the exit. "Should I feel like it?", I ask him a question with a slight smile and get faster. "Eh yes, look at me Clee," he confidently says.

Wait? Clee?

"Clee?" I start to laugh. His muscular arm moving towards the back of his head and scratching his head, Leon's gaze sweeping down.
"Too much self-esteem is not good either.", I take a few steps away. "But hey Lee, maybe I'll think about it," I smile and go into freedom. In the corner of my eye, I just see him smiling

At home
Suddenly I open the front door and slam it behind me immediately. In front of me lies a fat idiot with a free upper body who chills his life without stress. I gape at him threateningly. Damien does not seem to mind that he forgot to pick me up from school.

"Do you have something to say in your defense?" I snarl at him and throw my shoes in the direction of the box. "Get out of the way I can't  see anything," he provokes. Rolling my eyes, I look at the living room table and the feeling that I had this morning rises again in me.

My body slowly fills with goose bumps and tears come to the fore again. At that moment, Elias also comes into the living room and notices to me that something is wrong. "Clea? Are you okay? "He looks at me with closed eyes.

The deep breath I press cools my thin body. The exhale trembles and I try to speak. Unfortunately, not a single tone escapes my lips, so I point my head to the table and both see this simple white letter. This letter, which I should not have opened at the beginning of this day. This letter that will change everything.

Damien takes the letter and opens it carefully, but still fast. Elias sits down next to Damien and begins to read quietly in his mind.

Dear children,
Allison and I, David have been thinking about it for a long time. We have come to the conclusion that you are old enough to take care of yourself.

We leave you.
No, you can not reach us and no we will not come back. Allison loves you.
Good luck continue and take care of yourself. Sorry, there is no point in lying to you anymore and keeping everything quiet.

Allison & David Carter

Nobody talks a word. The silence of disappointment.
But suddenly someone pulls me out of my disappointing and sad thoughts

"That's a joke!", Damien yells angrily, "They can not just go out of nowhere, fuck off like they do not care what happens to us, I knew that our dad was not nearly normal in life Head was, he has persuaded Mum to run away.If I get this fucking guy in the hands he will hope- "

Elias interrupts him, "Damien!" My eyes are bright red and my whole body trembles from my toenails to the last hair root on my head.
"You know, I'm going to Nathan. If I'm not there by tomorrow, I'll sleep by him and get me hooked.", Damien screams as he pulls his basic T-shirt over his head, marches towards the door and slams her behind him.

Elias sits on the sofa, his arms folded and his face scared, staring into space. His hazel eyes fill up with a bunch of tears, and soon some of them flow down his distinctive face.
Without a word breaks out of his full lips, he gets up quickly and runs out just as Damien did.
I just watched the action with my eyes.

I feel my knees getting soft. Barely a second later, I throw myself to the ground, I lay twitching on the ice-cold surface, a tear overtakes the other. Shocked, I stare into the ceiling of the room, it's all too much and my eyes are heavy, as if I had packed weights on it.
Everything follows black. The last tear escapes my eye, then everything is empty.

Hurt. I'm fucking hurt. And do not act like you care. Because if you did, you would not have done what you did.

Hey❤️ I post so different..sorry.
Anyway, here is the third chapter of Unforgivable, as always I hope you enjoyed it.
(Because of the points in the letter (if you do not know) it's supposed to be mysterious, that's why I did not write the whole letter) The fourth chapter is coming soon😊

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