Chapter 29- The Final Battle

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The next morning brought more of the subdued slave routine. The demons ferrying us across the bay had no idea that we were on our way to freedom, that the bonds we wore were almost laughable. The waves of excitement that started deep inside washed over me again and again with growing intensity as we neared our destination. It was plenty hard to keep that excitement at bay and remember that this last part of the charade was just as important as the first. Somehow, I managed it, as did the children and Gakuto, the loudmouth. I guess everyone knew how much was riding on those final hours pretending to be property.

I spent most of the long boat ride staring out at those beautiful deep blue waters, which really did seem like they went on forever. Nothing could ever take the place of a night sky, though. That thing was truly endless, and filled with more unwritten possibilities than anyone could ever hope to imagine.

Besides just the slaves, Kiyoshi, Fuyuko and Takahiko were pretty quiet as well. It can't have been easy for any of them. Fuyuko felt as though she'd been betrayed by a close friend. I knew the feeling very well. It is crippling and heartbreaking. Although he was quiet most of the time, I got the feeling Takahiko would have liked to be on Kiyoshi's side, but his affection for Fuyuko kept him at hers. I could only hope he'd been whispering positive messages in her ear.

Kiyoshi's melancholy mood was easy to read. He was down two members and might lose two more by the end of the day if Fuyuko didn't come around. The guilt itself would have been a heavy enough burden without his friends condemning him for it. Honestly, I couldn't wait for him to get home. Seeing all the smiling faces of people who still believed in him would do nothing but good.

At long last, the golden shores of the white fox's territory came into view. Beyond them, I could only see lush hills, no woods or white flowers yet, but even so, it was a welcome sight. Kiyoshi's mood shifted the instant they came into view, though he was keeping his excitement to himself as well. He still had his part to play until the end. We all wore masks that day.

We couldn't get off that boat fast enough. I'm sure everyone's heart was beating just as fast as mine. The three children Kiyoshi didn't buy from Arinaga were starting to forget themselves and become excited, though some of the women did their best to calm them down. A little more. Just a little more.

As soon as we were all off, the boat began its voyage back to Paradise Bay and we started our walk towards the deep green hills of Utopia. We didn't stick into our formation anymore. Kiyoshi, Mitsuo and I were still near the front, while Fuyuko and Takahiko stayed towards the back of the cluster, but we weren't strategically spaced any longer. There was no need to be.

As we crossed over the first hill, the fox's mouth bloomed into that full faced smile I loved so much and he took a giant inhale through his nose. "Finally."

Mitsuo whistled. "Just think of all that paperwork you'll have to catch up on."

Kiyoshi clicked his tongue. "Must you spoil it?"

His brother laughed. "Sorry. I couldn't resist."

The fox just shook his head as he cut me and Mitsuo free, and then started making his way back to the others. Mitsuo and I helped untie people as well, while Fuyuko and Takahiko started making their way up from the back.

"Are we done?" Eiji, the young boy asked.

"Mhm." Kiyoshi nodded. "Done forever."

Eiji's face brightened and he gave a cheer. He and the two twin girls ran over the grassy hill, playing an improvised game of tag. When they realized their new group of friends weren't keeping up, they came back and tried to tug them along. The other children were resistant and unsure, pulling back and looking at Kiyoshi nervously.

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