Chapter 1 The Start of New

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The new valet arrived at the manor while the sky was beginning to shift from dark grey to light. The morning mist competed with the sprinkling of rain to make the tall figure miserably wet, and the wind blew only to make him shiver. His face betrayed his nervousness as he looked up at the towering tan wall, the damp brick looking rather sinister in for an ex-abbey.

The manor was already lively, lights beginning to turn on and illuminate the windows. Maids and butlers were already rushing about, and one opened the door before the valet could even knock on the oak wood. The maid gasped, not in fright, but as the household was expecting him later.

"Good morning, madam, might I come in?" The man asked, fixing his black coat about him. A thick leather traveling bag was held at his side, and his beard revealed he had been long without a shave.

"Of course, of course!" The maid lead him through the door before yelling, "MADAME! The new valet is here!"

The head maid rushed over and shooed the other away. "Mister Nimbly! I thought you were to arrive around noon?" She exclaimed, looking up at him.

"I do apologize for intruding, I simply could not wait to arrive here and begin my work." The man said humbly, having to look down at her. His tall stature nearly had him blocking the hallway. "After all, should a valet not be ready to dress his lord in the morning?"

"Perhaps, but you will be serving our lord's son." The elderly head maid informed him, knitting her fingers together in front of her black dress and white apron. "And his son does not awaken until later, as he is sick."

"All the better to be early for, then." Mr. Nimbly said, hiding his disappointment from learning he would be taking care of the lord's son, and not the lord himself. He found he was not in the position to complain, regardless.

"Here, let Nathan lead you upstairs to your room. Change into shoes that are not muddied, and prepare yourself to work a real job." The woman said sternly, grabbing ahold of a butler trying to rush by. "There will be no farming for you to do here, so you best be on your most gentlemanly of behavior."

"I understand that, madam." Mr. Nimbly assured with a small bow.

"Madame to you." She warned, before nudging Nathan forwards and leaving to the kitchens.

Nathan was a small brown-haired thing, noticeably nervous around Mr. Nimbly. "This way, sir?" He gestured towards the backstairs, before leading the man up them. Every step Nimbly took creaked, much to the detriment of Nathan's nerves.

"Perhaps I can fix that creak later." Nimbly commented, attempting to make conversation with the younger man. "Unless this home already has a repairman? I wouldn't want to take his work."

"Oh, no sir, we have only the occasional hire of a repairman." Nathan informed Nimbly. "I do not think it would be fitting for a man of your position to work on these steps anyways."

"Ah." Nimbly let out a breath of air. "I suppose you are right."

"I suppose you will be introduced to the lord sometime this week." Nathan commented. He was wringing his hands and looking ahead. "We have never had a farmer for a valet."

"I am an educated man, not just a farmer." Nimbly assured. "I went to the Academy, I learned proper etiquette, and that is why I was hired."

"When have you the time to practice being a gentleman, then?" The butler asked, tone heavy in disbelief that the farmer behind him could be respectable.

"All the time. One does not stop being a gentleman just because he performs labor." Nimbly assured, stopping as Nathan stopped.

"Nimbly, I do not believe you will last long here." Nathan said, opening a door. "But here is your room and here is your key. Our masters are good people, respectable nobles, and you cannot tar them." He warned as Nimbly walked into his room.

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