Chapter 8 Gentle Threading

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Nimbly and Edward walked together down the dark abbey's halls, both of their faces showing the telltale signs of exhaustion over light smiles. The day had run the two thin, and though they were both ready to rest, their feet steered through the halls towards the same destination, comfortably close near the flame of a candle held between them by Nimbly.

Edward felt compelled to speak first, his eyes flicking to Nimbly's face and then to the parlor doors. "Did David get to bed safely?" His question was thankfully not met with surprise.

"Of course, Mr. Baker assured me that he and another servant would take care of him." Nimbly opened the parlor door, letting Edward head inside first.

"Good," Edward walked into the parlor and ran a hand though his hair nervously, "and you wanted discuss today, yes?"

"Correct. The day has been terrible." Nimbly walked around Edward and gestured to the seats, "Shall we sit?"

Edward took a seat on a chaise sofa, lightly draping himself over the length of the velvet. He held a frown and crossed his arms, one elbow resting on the arm of the chair, while his feet were on the cushion beside him. He looked towards Nimbly intently, giving the fullest attention.

"If I may," Nimbly took ahold of a wooden chair for servants and moved it from the side of the room to in front of Edward before sitting down. He looked dreadfully repentant, "I have to start by offering my most sincere apologies for not keeping my eyes on Chrysanthemum. You trusted me with the kids and I-"

"Don't finish that." Edward cut in.

"I still have to apologize." Nimbly shook his head and persisted. "The children and I would not even have been in the area if I had not needed to visit the general store."

"Why you were there is of no consequence. I heard what Chrysanthemum said. You warned her, and then you saved my little girl, and most importantly, you are still here to take care of her." Edward moved his hands to clutch at his chest. "At the end of the day, I am sincerely grateful that you saved my daughter."

Nimbly let out a sigh of relief, leaning forwards on his chair and resting his elbows on his knees, candle set on a side table. "I am beyond grateful that all the children are safe."

"Likewise." Edward nodded, lacing his fingers together. "Tomorrow, I will have you sent into town to replace that destroyed suit of yours."

Nimbly sat upright quickly, "Sir, you don't have to-"

"No. You deserve one, and need one to continue working here. Unless that is what you plan on wearing?" Edward interrupted him again, and Nimbly seemed to redden in the face with embarrassment as Edward gestured over him. His plain clothes definitely would not do in formal settings.

"Thank you. I promise you, I will take care of my responsibilities and serve this family faithfully for this." Nimbly looked to Edward's face, not noticing the light pink on Edward's own cheeks with the candlelight only lighting half of his face. "Though I have to ask, who will take care of the kids while I am in town...?"

"Baker and Madame." Edward answered easily.

"I see." Nimbly went quiet for a moment, fidgeting, clearly having more to say. "I would like to return to my home and fetch a few things, if you would let me?"

Edward furrowed his brow, "Like what? And for how long?"

"The trip would take only three days. Refuse this request if you feel that you must, but the chaos today... made me want to go home and check on my own children. There are some old toys I may bring back, and perhaps old suits so I may be more prepared." Nimbly pressed his hands together and searched Edward's face. His words were genuine, and he was concerned about rejection.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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