Chapter 2 He's Gay Too

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The maids had gathered outside the room, hearing the oldest son of their lord laughing for the first time in ages. They clustered and peered inside, seeing the children playing together, and the new valet happily providing entertainment for the children by joining their play. He performed an excellent jester act with a toy in hand, giving every toy the children brought him a new personality and voice.

David looked happy, though he tired, sitting on his knees. "Mr. Nimbly, please do help me to the dining room." They had all played through lunch, and now evening brought dinner closer.

"Of course." Nimbly put down the Russian doll in Edward junior's hands, before moving and taking David up. "Would you care if I should carry you?"

"I don't think I have the strength in me to walk." David nodded. "Just don't be awkward about carrying me."

"Certainly." Nimbly picked up David firmly under his rear, holding him up like a child, one arm free to open doors, or hold a child's hand as it would seem. Junior took the free hand as soon as Nimbly headed for the door, and Chris held onto Nimbly's arm that supported her brother.

Nimbly smiled warmly to the children, remembering with a pang in his heart when his own children did the same. "Come on then, let us all go eat dinner." He lead them out, maids dispersing quickly like frightened quail.

"I hope we get only sweets for dinner tonight!" Chris chimed, looking up to Nimbly. "Davie like sweets, right?"

"I do, but we cannot just have sweets for dinner." David laughed at his sister's idealism.

"You can have sweets with dinner, but not as dinner, dear." Nimbly have the little girl his full attention. "But if you were to only eat sweets, you might become sick, because they are very sugary and don't have all the good nutrition you need. You need some healthy foods to become big and strong, and to have energy to play and run in the grass." He turned this into a lesson, being honest with her, but not brutal at the least. David looked to the man that was carrying him with a raised eyebrow.

She thought about this. "I play a lot after the maids give me sugar. Why are sweets not good?"

"The sugar only lasts a little while. Good foods last longer." Nimbly assured her as he moved his head, taking his free hand away from junior's tiny clammy grip to hold the small hand in his own. "Even if they're gross. Eating them just means you can play more later."

Chris thought about this, before dashing downstairs at the sound of the dinner bell. Nimbly descended the stairs at the pace of junior's small steps, walking slowly but never rushing him. David did not seem to mind, adjusting his arms so that one gripped onto the back of Nimbly's shirt, and the other supported himself against the manservant's chest.

"What are you walking slow for? Get to dinner! NOW!" A woman in a blue dress had come from the dining room and yelled at them before disappearing back from where she had come. Nimbly turned his head around to try and see who she was addressing, before looking down at the feeling of junior taking ahold of his arm with both hands.

"Would you like me to lift you?" Nimbly asked junior, shifting his hold on David and standing on two steps before lowering to offer his side to the little boy.

Junior nodded vigorously, before jumping onto the adult and nearly choking him with his little arms around Nimbly's neck. Nimbly kept his composure as he stood, shifting the boy around before the hold loosened and he took in a deep breath thankfully.

"Why have you picked him up too?" David asked. "Are we not too heavy for you?"

"Oh, don't worry my lord." Nimbly smiled, before carefully leaving the last stair step. "I am capable of carrying a horse. You both weigh less."

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