Chapter 4 Luncheon Flies

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The library was a warm, secluded place. The leather seats had seen years of wear and the study tucked itself behind a wall in the corner. There were hardly ever any people coming in and out, but rather a single man who kept the books company. His eyes scanned the walls for answers to his problems while a woman walked in, lifting her skirt before sitting next to him.

"The luncheon is starting, my dear Edward." The woman cooed, putting her head in her gloved hands and leaning close to him. "I should think there will be dancing with the musicians joining us. Would you dance with me?"

Edward looked at the woman and nodded, "Of course I shall." He wrapped an arm around her. "Whatever might make you happy." He spoke the words she would want to hear, though he wished dearly for someone to make him happy.

"Thank you, my sweet prince!" Miss Audrey moved her arms to wrap around him loosely, pressing against him. "I will make every moment out of your library of yours worthwhile."

Edward frowned and crossed his legs, body facing away from her, "Why should we need to leave the library to dance?"

"The music will sound better in the parlor, not muffled by those doors." Audrey huffed and frowned, pulling away from him. "You must come out of this dusty old room. Someone has to bear witness if you propose to me."

The noble looked suddenly surprised and disgusted. "Propose to you?"

"Why, of course! You said so yourself that your wife doesn't bring you joy, and today is our anniversary." Audrey pressed, a knock coming from the library doors.

Edward stood abruptly, looking to reprimand her, before the doors opened to the head butler. "My lord, the guests have all arrived for the luncheon." The old man announced his news grandly, before lowering his tone. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"No, no. I need a breath of air, thank you." Edward strode towards his head butler and passed him, feeling himself heat up. His head felt foggy and he felt bare in the parlor, looking around at so many faces in his home he barely knew.

"Father!" David called from the chair directly ahead, patting a seat beside him. Edward relaxed at the sight of his son, quickly moving to the boy's side and rejoicing in the chair's small size as no one could join them.

"David! You would not believe the day I have been having." The man sighed deeply, looking down into his hands and at the floor.

"I have something to talk to you about, actually." David spoke clearly, looking to his father. Edward looked up, as they did not do much talking at social events.

"What is wrong?" Edward frowned. "Is this about the new valet? I haven't met him yet, but you know that you can dismiss him at any moment."

"No! My new valet is wonderful, fantastic even." David flushed slightly at his own words. "He takes care of Chris and junior since the nanny is always with you."

Edward seemed confused. "What do you mean the nanny is always with me?"

"Miss Audrey! That woman is always around the library, and she leaves my siblings alone for too long." David pointed a finger vindictively towards the library, where the woman was just walking out. Any motion David made took some amount of strength, Edward knew this, and the accusation stirred anger for the woman in him as well.

"David, don't worry for another second. After tonight, she will never be allowed here again." Edward stood, fixing himself and his vest, before walking towards Aubrey.

The woman smiled and seemed delighted to have him walk her way. She reached out a gloved hand to him, offering her hand as if to dance. Edward did not take her hand.

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