Chapter 6: What Have I Done?

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"It's all over the paper, guys!" Paul happily shouts to us in the classroom, "This is what Ally gets for betraying us."

"The b-tch she is, trying to be all heroic and stuff!" mocked a friend of his I didn't know of.

I look at the local newspaper. Not only did we messed up with exposing Keith, but my best friend, Ally. I was there when it happened, I saw her crying on the porch when we left. I remember so much Ally has done for me and now, I pay her back with literal turd.

"Hey, Lynn," called Paul. I was pretty famous now here since I was her friend, "Thanks for telling us where she lived, couldn't have done this without you. Everyone, give Lynn a big round of applause!" He cheered.

Everyone clapped and whistled. I, was now feeling guilt big time. I don't know what to do. Could I apologize to Ally? Maybe tell Keith the truth? I don't deserve this, especially when I really hurt her.

Class starts and I head on normal way.


  I wasn't paying too much attention in Math class. Instead I looked across the room at Ally who was writing the notes in her notebook. She was an ace at math, smarter than me in general. I remember when I met Ally.

  I was from Texas, my parents are from Mexico but moved there later on. I had ADHD, I couldn't pay much attention, my grades were really not the best ones, and I was bullied constantly. I didn't have any friends, not of that I can recall. But then my parents found I job in LA. I was excited, considering the fact I didn't really like Texas that much, I wanted something different.

  So we moved here and mama enrolled me to the local public elementary school. I was terrible at first but then the teachers assigned me a buddy. She paired me with Ally, who had no buddy. I didn't talk to her much but she did. She asked me a lot about where I was from what was it like there. Other people would remind about my differences but Ally didn't, she didn't care one bit.

  Time we graduated Elementary, her parents didn't show and I felt sorry for her. But then she told me it was nothing, it happened a lot.

  "Hey, Lynn, we're best friends, right?" She asked me, I nod, "Then Let's promise each other to be friends forever, yeah?"

  I smiled and said, "Yeah, friends forever."

  And I broke it, I broke it because of how much I cared about The Try Guys than Ally. She had a rough life, neglectful parents and barely had any friends. Now I think about it, she was alone as I was. She didn't have any friends. Up to now, not of that I know of.

  "Lynn," someone called out, "Lynn!"

  "Huh?" I muttered.

  "Are you with us?" It was Mr. Rallison, he was on the whiteboard, solving a sample equation.

  "Yeah, feel a little dizzy, but I'll be okay." I responded.

  "Alrighty, so anyway you put the terms together..." he continued on and I kept ignoring. The bell rang and everyone left, so did Ally. It had to be that way from now on.

  I walked out last and went home. The duplex was in bad shape. Everything was a mess, we didn't clean a lot honestly. I wasn't feeling like doing anything. I was tired, guilty, mad and everything. I felt like a monster, an idiot for doing it to Ally.

  After Ally left the club. I was suppose to go after her and walk with her to where she went, I did that a lot. But Paul decided to call me in and take me to Congress.

  "You have known Ally more than we do. You know her every move." Paul says, "But, I'll strike you a deal, if you help us out. All of us we'll be closer to Keith, heck probably closer than Ally and, what do you say?"

  It took me a while to think about it. After a few weeks, I agreed. They made me go stalk Keith and Ally. It wasn't a chemistry you get between lovers from Ally and Keith, it wasn't friends either. It was this weird dad relationship. Ally never had her dad around to tell her what's right or wrong, she simply knew it.

  I didn't know much besides the real reason the Try Guys split and Becky divorcing him, taking his daughter with her. I had to report to Paul these things, or I get kicked out. The fear of losing whole thing that described me and accepted me for who I was, ate me up. I was that blind I didn't see how Ally would get hurt in the process.

  The riot was planned by Paul and Congress. They decided to group up around Keith's house and shout out for Keith. We wore blue and brought everything colored blue. We had tiki torches and lit a few of them. As Keith got out of his house, he asked what was going on. Paul spat everything I heard from Keith and Ally's conversations.

  I don't want to say what they completely said but as Keith asked, "Who told you that?", Paul smirked and sarcastically said, "ALLY SAID IT!". By this time, I saw Ally looking at her window and left to go down. As soon she crossed Keith's turf, he changes to a very dangerous angry expression. I've never seen Keith mad as how he got mad at Ally.

  "Never talk to me again, ya hear?" He screamed and slammed his door shut. Ally fell down and just cried.

  Everyone laughed but then she walks toward Paul and punches him in the eye. Part of me laughed at Paul and part of me was in pain. She lost everything and I never knew how she felt, being alone, I did, but losing everything you cared about so much.

  We left and went to Paul's to celebrate our success. I felt terrible and lied I was heading home because my parents needed me for something.

  I never talked to my parents about these kinds of problems. They knew Ally, of course, but they didn't know I did it to her and how close we are. So even if I did ask what to do, it wouldn't help. Ally deserved more than what she got from me.

  I get a call from Grayson. I was confused, since she never calls me unless it's important. I thought about classes but we didn't have any classes together, we just met because of the Try Guys.

  I answer the call, "Hello?"

  Grayson was panting, "Ally, she was beaten up by the rich kids! Keith and I are taking her to the hospital."

  "WHAT?!" I shrieked fear was swallowing me again, "Wait how did it happen?"

  "You better go, all me and Keith Habs heard from her was, 'Lynn, where is she?'."

  At this point I was sobbing, I hung up and asked mama to take me to the hospital.

  "What's wrong?" She asked

  "Ally's there and she's asking for me, please, mama." I begged her as hot tears went running down my cheek.

  We left the house and went to the hospital. I was praying to God to protect her.

  "Not my best friend" I thought "Not Ally James..."

  (This took awhile because I was trying to go for how the story, "That was Then, This is Now", which we are currently reading in English class, portrayed the main characters, Mark and Bryon's, friendship and how in the early parts of the story, no matter how different they were, they still saw themselves as brothers and looked out for each other. Next chapter is possibly the last chapter of not Ally POV centered since Keith will be taking that chapter. Possibly I might make a Grant O'Brien POV chapter but right now I see as not necessary. But thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter ;))

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