Long one

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A/N: eeeeee I can't believe this I never thought this would get anywhere but now its got over 500 views! So in commemoration of this books new found popularity I have come up with a long chapter for the lovely readers that view each chapter.OMG this is amazing woo. I also am not failing anymore so yay!

I wake up and feel that I wet my bed again. My diaper must have leaked, stupid thing. I get out and strip my bed, and carry the wet sheets to the laundry room, when I hear a door open... I ever so slowly turn around, inch by inch seconds passing by. When I finally turn around I see Hunter standing in the doorway, "Hey Hunter, what are you doing here, it's so late why aren't you asleep in bed?" I ask really hoping he would go back to bed and forget this ever happened. "I should be asking you that, Luca. Why are you in the laundry room and what did you just put in the washing machine?" "Nothing" "Mhmm... right your just in here to do nothing. I don't believe you bud. Now let me see." "Uhhh no thanks." I attempt to push past Hunter through the doorway, but he catches me and lifts me up bridal style instead. I start kicking and screaming trying to get him to put me down, but it doesn't work... instead it just alerts my sister who comes out of her room to see what's going on. "What's with all the racket? It's 4 o'clock in the morning" She groans, groggy from being woken up so early. She perks up slightly when she sees me fidgeting in Hunter's arms. "On second thought, I don't think I want to know. You both are going to hear it from me in the morning when I'm not so tired though, so beware." She says as she rotates on her heel and heads back to bed. I have gone limp in Hunter's arms from complete shock. I am quick to recover and realize Hunter is still processing what just happened. So before he recovers from shock I wiggle out of his arms, and run back to my room and lock the door. "Hey! We're not done talking yet! Get back here right now." Hunter yells as he bangs on my door. I start to cry from the shock of the banging and Hunter suddenly screaming at me. "Oh baby, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. Let me in so I can apologize." I sniffle and slowly open the door to a concerned looking older brother. "Aww buddy, Im sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. Did it scare you?"
I nod in response still sniffing and my eyes red and puffy from my crying. "Come here buddy." Hunter says as he holds out his arms towards me. I walk towards him and he picks me up and sets me on his hip. I feel like a real baby now but its ok since no one else is around to see. Hunter walks back to the washing machine with me in hand and starts the machine. He then walks back to my room and sets me on the changing table and puts me in a diaper and a footed onesie with sleeves that cover the hands like mittens. He leaves me sitting on the changing table telling me not to move, and goes to change my bed-putting new sheets on Hunter then picks me up, and goes to put me in the crib, but I clasp on to his neck and don't let go. "Please don't leave me Hunter." I whimper softly in order to try and get what I want. Hunter sighs at my request and brings me back to his room and gets into bed with me still hanging off him. I start to get snuggled up with my stuffed bear when he grabs me and hugs me to his chest. He's like a mama bear sometimes. He can be really overprotective of me, it can get annoying. Hunter has even put a baby monitor in my room so i have to call for him when I need him. It's pathetic really. But I guess it could be worse.
|The next morning|
I wake up to see Hunter staring at me like a creep. "Do you need a change buddy?" Hunter asked me. I put my face in his chest while he set his chin atop of my head, and we both slowly dozed off to sleep.
The End

JK lol
(Next morning)
To be continued since ive hit a block in writing lol. You all are the greatest!!!
(Edited version)

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