10 The Onsie

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Lila's PoV

I am currently on my way home from my friends house, and am really excited to get home. I had gotten a text message from Hunter saying Luca was up and eating. It also said that he told Luca that we had something for him, so I had to hurry home.

Hunters Pov

Luca was starting to get really impatient.
"Hunter. Present?"
"Then when?"
"Once Lila gets back."
"When will she be back?"
"hmph, fine" He pouted after realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere at this rate.
"Good boy" I said patting him om the head.

We actually have two gifts because we know he won't want to wear what we got, so we need a thing to persuade him. (Why do I put more strain on myself...) In other words bribery.

"10 minutes later" (Thinks of Spongebob narrator)

Lila just got home so I tell her to go get the gift from my room. "Ok" she says as she leaves the room. I look down at my brother "Are you excited?" "Yeah!" I laugh, he's so cute. Lila comes down with the gift. It's in a pink bag with white tissue paper. The tissue paper had small sparkles on it that glimmered in the light of the sun shining through the windows. Luca gave me an Lila a quizzical look. "Why did you choose a pink bag? It's a bit girly for me don't you think?" "Nevermind the wrapping just open it" Lila said obviously a bit impatient and wanting him to see the gift already. "Okay okay, let him take his time" "Fine." i stand next to Lila as we watch Luca open up his present.

     Soon his face goes from that of excitement to shock and embarrassment. "It's a... onsie?" "Yea it cute right" said Lila. Uh... yea.. umm... thanks... I guess..." He says looking completely dejected. His cheeks are red with embarrassment. Lila is obviously now happy about his reaction. We knew he wouldn't like it and were prepared, but I think actually see him react to it was too much for her. I interupt breaking the akward tension in the air. "Ok. We know you wouldn't love it so we got you a another thing in hopes you would wear it. At this he slightly perks up. (omg imagine a puppy cute asf. I leave). "But you have to promise to wear the onsie for us." I quickly add on. He sits there for a bit thinking of my proposition, his nose scrunched, his eyes squinted and his arms crossed. He looked pretty funny.

"You don't have to wear it but then I don't know if you should have this present. Only good little boys who behave and do what their siblings asked to do get presents." He pouts, "Fine." Lila is elated that she will get to see him in it and i'm also pretty happy that he complied. "Good boy. Now lets get you changed." I say as I pick him up and carry him upstairs and to his room. I grab the onsie from Lila who had picked it up, asking her to have his gift prepared for when we came back downstairs. She nods in confirmation. When we get there I sit him down on his bed and start to undo the snaps at the bottom part of the onsie. I pull it over his head putting his arms in after and sliding it all the way down. Then I gently push him to show that I wanted him to lay down. Once he lays down I push up his legs and take back part and snap it to the front.

Once he's set I pick him up again and we head downstairs together. Luca hides his face in my chest which I laugh at. "It's okay buddy, only your sister and I will see you in this, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about. "Just because it's only you guys seeing me doesn't make it not embarrassing. l'm a boy in a pink onsie. How is it not embarrassing?" Not knowing what to say to make him feel better, I say nothing in response. I just secure my hold on him a tiny bit with my one arm and start to rub circles on his back to help him relax with my free hand.

Once he seems a bit relaxed I start toward his door, going down the hall, and stopping at the top of the stairs. "Are you ready buddy?" I ask. "Not really but I don't think I ever will be." And with that I head downstairs with Luca in my arms.

780 words No complaints. And in  the same month... wow i'm impressed by myself. The story is going a bit weird for my tastes and doesn't fit with the description, so I will try to have less events that are super ... unusual/out of the norm (Me trying not to offend people). Hahahahhaha okay cya in the next part.

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