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A/n: So, I wanted to thank everyone that reads this little story of mine. Also can we get some votes it'd make me ecstatic. Also it looks like I forgot about the deadline I gave myself. Whoops sorry but here it is now :)
|The next morning|
I wake up to see Hunter staring at me like a creep. "Do you need a change buddy?" Hunter asked me. I put my face in his chest while he set his chin atop of my head, awaiting my answer. I shook my head gently signifying that I didn't need one. Hunter then slowly unsnaps my onesie and slides his hand down my back in order to try and check if I was dry or not. I was, thankfully but he still picked me up in his arms like a baby, and grabbed a pull up.

"Hunter, but i'm dry." I whined.

"Yes, but I don't want you getting a rash from an old diaper."

I rolled my eyes at his reasoning, and just laid there letting him continue to change me. I do get sick of all the babying, and how Hunter especially, coddles me like a baby.

*skip the change*

Hunter then carried me to the kitchen and sat me in a high chair. Ok so real quick I'll tell you why I'm currently sitting in a high chair. I had not been finishing my food but that was because I had other things to do. Also I had fallen off my chair once and hit the table. Hunter made me waffles with a bit of butter and topped off with maple syrup dripping down the sides. Once the waffles were sat in front of me I waited for a fork though it never came. I look up at Hunter to see he had the fork in his hand waiting for me to notice that he wanted to feed me... feed me... Wait what?! What does he think he's doing? I give him a questioning look and ask him, "What are you doing?" "I'm feeding my baby brother" Hunter usually babies me but this is to another extreme. What's next a baby bottle? "Alright time for a morning bottle. "Damn spoke too soon." I said to myself as I bang my head on the tray of the high chair causing a small bump to form as I whine in pain holding my head. "Aw baby, did you hurt you head? Do you want me to kiss it better? I'll get you an ice pack" Hunter exclaimed in a panic, treating me as if I was two. "I'm fine" I grumbled. "Hey, don't take up an attitude with me mister." (A/n: is that even proper English idk which is sad seeing as its my first language lol) "Fine, but I still don't know why you put me in this stupid high chair. I can sit in a regular seat, like a regular person." Hunter sighed saying, "Yes, I know but this is just so you can't leave your seat before you finish eating your food." Hunter continued to feed me my waffles until they were all gone. Hunter was just getting me out of the embarrassing chair when Lila (his sister in case you forgot) came in and looked straight to me. "Aww look at my cute little baby brother" she cooed in an annoyingly sweet voice. I hid my face in Hunter's chest, blushing from the tone of voice my sister had used. Lila was suddenly rubbing my upper back soothing me. Which might I add was not needed because I'm a "Big boy" as my mom always tells me; when shes around at least. Lila finally stopped rubbing my back and began making herself some breakfast. I would help them with breakfast and other meals, but they forbid me from using the stove without one of them watching me. (Which inevitably means I am a burden when cooking) They both seem to be set on the idea that i'm a baby. Which I am obviously not. I'm 15. Ok so Hunter picked me up and walked to the family room where he sat me on the couch saying, "Stay here, while I get you your bottle." "Fine" I groaned.
To be continued (hopefully)

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