undone ✧ brian

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listen to: undone by backstreet boys
takes place in: 2001

summary : brian & lucy get into a fight, and lucy makes brian shut up in their favorite way possible. (this imagine will be a lot shorter than other ones.)

"for god's sake, y/n! i'm not cheating on you with her. what do i have to do to get that through your pretty little head?"
brian looks at me, hurt in his eyes.
"then why do the magazines say that? hm? tell me, brian. tell me. because i'm really waiting for you to tell me the truth."
"do you really think i would do that to you? because you don't know me if you think i would. i love you so damn much, y/n. and this is gonna be part of being in a relationship with me." brian speaks.
"what? you cheating on me?" i shout.
he winces. "no! people making up these damn lies."
"so why were you two photographed together?" i ask, practically fuming.
"because she's famous, and so am i! our managers wanted us to become friends, friends."
"yeah ok. whatever brian. i don't even know what to say anymore."
"y/n! i can't even live without you, i can't deal without you. we can't be undone, don't do this. just trust me baby. please."
i walk up to him and touch his chest.
"brian, just shut up with your lies."
he licks his lips, his eyes turning a darker shade of blue. i know what he's thinking.
"make me." he smirks.
damn, i let him get to me that easily.
my knees felt weak when he said that.
i grab the back of his neck and kiss him passionately, the kiss is filled with all of our emotions from the past few hours.
he smirks into the kiss, and in my mind i roll my eyes.
he pulls away and puts his hands underneath my jaw, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. he takes his time with each one, which makes me even more turned on.
this boy knows how to make me weak.
he licks, sucks, and kisses.
"brian." i moan, tilting my head back to give him more access.
this encourages him even more, and he moves up to my jaw.

let's just say, that was one of the best nights we'd had in a while.

sorry this was so short!

sorry this was so short!

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