_.|2|._: Bickering

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a/n: I'm sorry not sorry for the gif above, actually no I am sorry because I'm crying while looking at it too. I hope you enjoy the story :)


"Me and you and you and me, no matter how they toss the dice..."

The radio sung while Diego drove himself, his deceased brother, and Klaus back to Hargreaves manor. Klaus was looking mournfully out the window, the rain pounding against the cold, fogy glass. Diego was looking over his shoulder at Klaus impulsively, reassuring himself that he was there and fine. He slowly pushed his food down on the pedal, speeding up and turning the corner onto the street they had grown up on. Locked in a house they snuck out of so many times for doughnuts, movies, to grasp at a chance of fun outside of their father's obsession with them saving the world.

Diego sighed as he parked in the usual alleyway, Klaus getting out before him. He went the other way the dumpster, Diego looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Getting refreshments." Klaus said, taking a swig of the bottle he held in his left hand.

 Diego sighed, holding out his hand as a way to say 'Come on' to his brother. Klaus smiled playfully, walking over with his coat getting wet as they walked up the back to the second floor of the house. Klaus looked around the halls for any sign of movement, until Luther walked in on him and Diego ideally sneaking around to the hallway of bedrooms.

"What are you two doing?" He asked. Klaus raised a finger, but Diego pushed himself in to speak before Klaus got the chance.

"Walking in from the rain, why are you so concerned?" He asked. Luther sighed, crossing his oversized arms.

"He's mad because of Allison, isn't he." Klaus insisted. Luther's barely existent brow furrowed, and he looked to Klaus, ready to grab the bottle and smash it on the ground. Diego stood between them, holding a hand softly to his arms.

"Easy big guy, he's not serious." Diego said. Luther scoffed.

"When is he ever?" He asked. Klaus pouted.

"I can be serious!" He said like a child. Both Diego and Luther looked at one another and Diego crossed his arms.

"Yeah, says the guy who asked me why he couldn't stick plastic glue jewels onto his forehead to make a tiara." Diego said. Klaus downed some more of the drink, wiping his mouth after and rolling his eyes.

"We were fourteen. And in my defense, once I got that glue working, it looked pretty good." Klaus insisted, Diego scoffed, recrossing his arms the opposite way.

"Yeah, before you figured out that it was wax and Grace had to peel it off of your face. Don't think we didn't hear you scream." Diego said, pointing a finger at his brother. Klaus chuckled.

"Yeah, and then Vanya gave me her princess crown from when we were eight." Klaus said. Diego looked to Luther, who threw his hands up. 

"Whatever, just, watch him." Luther said, whispering to Diego. Diego nodded his head left to right, as if he didn't need to know to do that already.

"Yeah yeah, not like you ever did." Diego retorted. Luther stopped in his tracks, turning around to Diego.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, offended.

"Well I'm just saying out of all of our brothers you barely cared about Klaus, it seems as though the only sibling you really cared about was Alli-" "Shut up Diego. Shut up now!" Luther cut in, walking over to Diego angered. Klaus slid in between them, holding a hand out to push Luther away from Diego. Allison was walking toward them, then started running over, concerned.

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