chapter two

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 Phillip and Marco let go of my arms, I let myself fall to the ground clenching my stomach in pain. 

 I couldn't stand up all the way, I ran to my room.  I heard my door lock; I knew I would be in here for a while. I pulled my shirt off looking at my already black and blue stomach in the mirror; tears fell from my eyes and hit the floor. Why me? I thought, why can't I be with my dad, why does he have to not know who I am!? I cried silently. I knelt down and held my knees close to my chest ignoring the pain on my stomach. I grabbed my scissors and cut, I watched my blood run down my wrist, and fall to the floor. My eyes became waterfalls, gushing tears. I'm so pathetic I thought, I'm to chicken to take my own life so instead I settled with cutting, how much more retarded can I get?  

 I cried myself to sleep. 

 I cry myself to sleep every night.

 My phone went off and it scared the living daylights out of me, it was my alarm clock app thing. I hopped up and went to open my door, I turned the knob, and it’s locked! Great, now I'm going to get hit for not making breackfast for Phillip and Marco. I slumped down against the wall just waiting for Charlie to unlock the door and come rushing in and hit me. The door unlocked and Charlie walked in, "Sorry, I forgot to unlock your door last night, now go make my boys breakfast" he ordered me, i got up and rushed downstairs, throwing the toast in the toaster, i got out the orange juice, milk and cereal, marco and phillip ran down the stairs shouting, "no school no school summer vacation" marco ran into me almost knocking me down, but i managed to keep my balance by holding on to the table. "You hear that, no school!?" Marco shouted in my ear as if i was deaf, well now i think i am because he yelled in my ear! "No Marco, I couldn't hear you and your dumbass brother screaming that over and over again while running down the stairs." I said scarcasticly. Marco made a face at me, I made one back. After I cleaned up their mess from breakfast I grabbed my wallet and left.

 I went to work, I geuss now I will get a raise for comming to work early.

 "Dom!" my boss's ten year old son yelled when he saw me enter the resterant. They werent open yet and Jesse, my boss's son likes to come and help out. Jesse is fond of me, but were not friends, hes got his little ten year old friends and I've got, well, no friends. "So are you thinking about trying out for the football team?" Jesse asked me, "I don't know" I said, "Well your gonna be in tenth grade and you will only have like two years left to play." he mummbled,  love football, I always have, but I've never had the guts to try out for the team, only because if I didn't make it that would give the students in my school another reason to make fun of me. My boss rodger came out from the kitchen and greeted me,"awww you didn't have to come in today Dom."  "No it’s ok, I’d rather not stay at home and do nothing all day." I said, Rodger messed up my already messy dark brown hair.  

I finally worked up the nerve to try out for the football team, today we were finding out who made the team and who didnt. "Joeseph Callahan, Dominic Cullen..." the coach was listing the rest of the team but I wasn’t listening to him, I made the team!

We gave all of our information to the coach and did a little practicing. When it was time to leave i grabbed my stuff, put my earbuds in and played Adam Lambert, "Hey! Dominic!" some popular looking kid said, "Yeah?" I asked totally not interested in what he had to say, "I didn’t know you could play footbal.l" "well I can." I said, "My names James, I'm the quarterback." the James person said with cofidence practically oozing out of him, I just nodded my head trying to make him go away, I'm not a people person. "Were do you live, maybe we could walk home together?" James asked, "Uuuhhhh, I live on 360 maple street." I said, "Oh my god, I live on 363 maple street!" James shouted I just nodded my head, did he not understand that I didn’t want to talk to him? What is a popular jock doing talking to a freak like me? “What’s wrong?" he asked me.  "Well you always ignored me and bullied me and now you like want to be my friend! Whats up with that?" I asked a little annoyed. James looked everywere but me trying to figure out what to say to me. "Well, uhhhh, your a good football player, and before I thought you couldn't do shit, so I just ignored you." he said. "So now that I play a sport you want to be my best friend?" I asked with fustration showing in my voice. "Uhhh yeah kinda." he said, we walked home in silence. Marco was sitting outside waiting for me, "Hey loser." Marco laughed, "How did it feel to be rejected by the football team?" Marco taunted, "I made the team dipshit" I snapped. Marco almost hit me in the face but I saw it comming and ducked. He hit his hand off the wooden post holding our front porch up he screamed and ran inside yelling, "Daddy, daddy!" I was laughing so hard I almost fell.

I didn't realize James was still there watching me laugh at my idoit step brother. "Well I geuss I'll see you later?"  James asked me after I recovered from my laughing fit, "yeah sure." I said. I walked into the house and ran up to my room, avoiding Charlie and Marco sitting in the living room.  I knew I was going to pay for it later.

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