Chapter Nine

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Emily's POV

      Vanderbilt's eyes widened in terror as the sound of Jeff's chains dropping to the floor erupted through the entire room. Jeff's smile only grew.
      How in seven shades of hell did he do that?
      "H-how did y-you. . . do t-that?" Vanderbilt stuttered, terrified for his life.
      "Doesn't matter," Jeff replied, smugly.
      Before anyone could blink, Jeff already had Vanderbilt underneath him on the floor. "HELP! SOMEONE GET IN HERE NOW!" Vanderbilt's pleaded, waiting for someone to burst through the doors.
      After a few seconds of him struggling underneath Jeff's weight, Jeff chuckled, darkly. "Looks like no ones comin' to save you."
      I stayed in the same spot, watching, waiting intently for Vanderbilt to finally get what he long deserved. As I was watching Vanderbilt's limbs flail every which way, I began thinking, asking questions. Questions like, why did Jeff attack Vanderbilt when he was hurting me? Which led to other questions like, is Jeff trying to look after me? Surely not. . . Right?
      The sounds of Vanderbilt's screams interrupted my thoughts. Jeff's arms were free at this point, his hands were around Vanderbilt's throat, slowly crushing through the bones until Vanderbilt's screams became gurgling sounds as blood poured from his mouth. His frantic movements became slower, weaker. Within seconds, he was perfectly still and silent.
      Jeff stared at the lifeless body, taking in the view, the adrenaline. I could see it in his eyes that he was having an adrenaline rush, excitement was clear in his crazed gaze. This behavior wasn't anything like I'd seen from him. His personality seemed. . . different.
      His eyes traveled up to meet mine. When our eyes locked, I noticed him starting to relax. His pupils were so large, you couldn't even see his deep blue irises; but the longer he stared at me, the more they started to shrink into normal size, the blue becoming more visible with each passing second. I cocked my head to the side in confusion. Why did his eyes dilate like that?
      "We're getting out of here." He stared, breaking the long silence.
      I raised a brow. "Well, in case you forgot, I can't move much right now." I replied.
      Jeff rollers his eyes, and roughly took the strait jacket off of him. Now he was only in his jumpsuit. 
      "And we're on the bottom floor of this damn asylum. How do you expect to get out of here without getting stopped by security?" I ranted.
      Jeff was behind me now, handling my chains quickly before someone saw that we were breaking out.
      "Just shut up." Was all he said in response.
      My chains suddenly felt loose, and began sliding down my body. He's really letting me free. . .? The chains finally dropped. I let out a sigh in satisfaction. Please, God, let us get out of here!
      Jeff grabbed a hold of my arm, forcefully pulling me to my feet. "C'mon, dollface, take this damn thing off," He grumbled as he forcefully took my straitjacket off.
      I felt the sleeves swiftly slip from my arms, and watched as it hit the floor in front of me. "Let's go!" He finished his sentence as soon as the straitjacket was off. My straitjacket was off. My fucking straitjacket is off. Is this really happening? It can't be. . .
      My thoughts were  interrupted by Jeff harshly pulling me with him to the door. My legs were still sore from kneeling for so long, and they were so weak from never walking very much, walking seemed impossible. Jeff was practically dragging me across the room because my legs didn't have the strength to walk properly, let alone go the speed that he was wanting to go.
      And he was walking pretty damn fast.
      Before I even knew it we were charging down the empty, dimly lit hallways of the asylum. We passed multiple empty cells. Why would they have so many cells down here if they weren't gonna put that many patients down here?
      Before I could even blink, we were charging up a set of stairs. Jeff was going so fast, there was no way my feet could keep up; even through my attempts to keep up, my feet dragged up the stairs, bumping against every single stair until we finally reached the next floor.
      "Can't you at least try to move your feet?" Jeff finally asked, irritated.
      "I'm trying, but your going too damn fast, and I haven't-"
      "Walked I'm forever, because you've been down here too damn long, I get it!" He finished.
      I huffed in annoyance. Smart ass.
      There were hallways to each side of us. The left looked dark, while the right looked a bit lighter.
      "This way," he said, then roughly pulled us to the left. "The darker, the better." He explained before I could even ask why he'd choose this specific way.
      "Do you even know where you're going?" I questioned.
      "Just shut up!" He hissed, eyeing me in irritation before breaking into a fast jog.
      I'm gonna take that as a no.
      We passed through more cells, but these ones had multiple patients in them. Jeff and I were going so fast, that I only saw a bunch of orange blurs. But the moans and groans were loud, and the occasional banging noises made my head start to pound. These must be the unstable psychos of this damn place.
      A nurse opened a door to a cell that was a ways in front of us, and immediately saw us charging her way. Her eyes widened in realization and terror. "SOMEONE GET THE GUARDS, NOW!" She screamed.
      Just before she could turn to run, Jeff had let go of me and  quickly and swiftly went to get a hold of her hair. "Go to sleep!" He growled, then roughly slammed her against the wall, splitting her head open.
      There's no way she was surviving that.
      He turned to me, and roughly grabbed my arm again, quickly pulling me down the long hallways again.
      "We have a code 535 on floor D7, I repeat, we have a code 535 on floor D7. Recruit as many guards necessary!" A woman exclaimed over the intercom so the entire building could hear it.
      Jeff stopped dead in his tracks. "Damn it," Jeff growled, then quickly dragged me to the window at the end of the hallway. "Damn, I didn't realize we went up that many flights of stairs," he grumbled to himself.
      I looked out the window to see that we were two stories up from the ground. So that's what the grass looked like in the spring. . . I then heard footsteps frantically heading towards us. The guards were getting close.
      "We're gonna jump." He stared as he broke the glass with one hard punch. His knuckles began to bleed from the broken glass, but he seemed unfazed.
      "What? Are you KIDDING ME?" I exclaimed. There was no way I was in any condition to jump out a damn window two stories up.
      "Quit your bitching and let's go!" He yelled as he roughly wrapped his arms around me and threw us both out the window head first.
      "There they go! Out the window!" One of the guards exclaimed.
      I let out a screech when I felt my heart drop as we fell, Jeff was still tightly holding on to me. It felt like we were falling in slow motion, like we were falling from the sky to a never-ending pit.
      Jeff and I both let out a loud grunt as we hit the floor, Jeff taking most of the fall. My hip started to throb in pain from landing on it. Jeff landed on his back, with my upper body on top of him. Again, he shook it off like it was nothing. Was this guy made of steel or something?
      He quickly was back on his feet, looking up to the guards that were looking down at us from the window that we just flung ourselves out of. I sat up, resting my weight on my elbows as I looked around, ignoring my throbbing hip and legs. I'm actually outside. . .
      "We got to go. NOW." He growled, yanking me to my feet again, and pulling me towards the woods across from the asylum.
      The guards were outside with us now, sprinting towards us. Jeff was in a full on sprint, dragging me along with him. I tried to run with him, but my legs refused to work. I felt my muscles tense, and lock.
      "Goddamn it," Jeff grumbled, irritated that I couldn't keep up with his pace. "I know I'm fast but fuck, at least try to run!" He exclaimed as he stopped, and quickly picked me up bridal style, and continued sprinting into the woods.
      "We've been through this, already!" I shouted back at him. "You know damn well that I'm trying!"
      "They went this way!" One of the guards exclaimed from behind us.
      Jeff stayed silent as he began to run even faster, going deeper and deeper into the woods. The trees blew past us in a blur; explosions of greens and browns were all I could see as he charged through the woods with tremendous speed an agility. There was no way the guards were going to keep up.
      He's definitely done this before. 
      He ran further and further into the woods for what seemed like hours. He eventually began to slow down, and then stop altogether.
      He roughly dropped me to the ground. "You can walk the rest of the way." He rasped, breathing heavily.
      "Rest of the way to where?" I questioned, ignoring my leg's protest as I slowly rose to my feet.
      Jeff had his back turned to me. His raven hair hung loosely over his shoulders, barely falling past them. "You'll see." Was all he said, then began to walk forwards.
      I didn't think twice as I began to follow closely behind him. I didn't care about where we were going or how we were going to get there. All I cared about was one thing.
      I was finally free.

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