Chapter One

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I hung my head low as I knelt on the concrete floor. I've been stuck here for far too long. I missed so much; my parents, my sister, Haylee, my house, my neighborhood, hell, I even miss school. Can you believe that?
I've lost track of time long ago, so I had no idea how long exactly I've been here. It doesn't really matter, though. It's been long enough.
I heard the door creak open, followed by a set of heels clicking their way over to me. Must be the obnoxious new nurse who decided to start showing up uninvited.
"I've brought you your lunch, miss." Her high-pitched voice bounced off the empty walls in an echo.
I didn't respond. I didn't even look up. I heard her sigh, and set the tray of food down next to me as she squatted down in front of me.
"I'm gonna need you to look up for me so I can feed you your food." she said as she lifted her hand to try and lift my head up.
I snapped my head up, which caused her to jump and quickly pull her hand back. I chuckled at her reaction. I really didn't have any intention of hurting her. She hasn't done anything to me. Not yet, anyways. "Just do it and get it over with." I finally said, calmly.
She nodded, and proceeded to feed me my lunch.
Neither of us said a word. Only the sounds of the fork against my teeth were present. I was grateful that she didn't have much to say. I didn't need a nurse that ran her mouth 24/7.
"You know, I've heard that we're getting another patient, and he's gonna he kept on the same floor as you!" she said, obviously trying to break the silence.
I only hummed in response. A new patient, huh? If he's a screamer then he won't be down here for very long. I'll be sure of it.
"We've supposably been searching for him for a few years now, he was quite slippery; but, we've finally managed to lock him up for good." she said, seeming content.
When I didn't respond, she continued. "He killed lots of families, ya know. Parents, children. It's like he doesn't care who or what you are when he's out to kill!"
"Probably because he doesn't." I remarked, getting annoyed at her ranting.
She looked at me baffled. "Do you know him?"
I laughed hysterically. "I've been stuck here for years. Do you really think I have any idea of who he is?"
"Well I thought since you said that so quickly, that-"
"I assumed that he doesn't care," I cut her off. "It wouldn't make any since for him to kill them if he did."
She took a second to think about it. "Right."
We sat in silence for a couple minutes. I'm surprised at myself for even responding to her rant. Maybe I was just curious about this 'newcomer'. He killed families for a living? Sounds like a person with his own family issues. Poor guy.
"Well, I suppose you're done, then. I'll take this back to the kitchen." she suddenly said, more to herself than to me. "See you at dinner." she added.
I huffed in response and hung my head low as she closed the squeaky door, leaving me alone in the dark room.
Well, I suppose I won't really be 'alone' anymore with this new guy around. Who was this guy, anyways? He had to be some kind of serial killer. The nurse said that they've been hunting him down for years. . . how did he last so long without getting caught? Well, I mean, he's caught now, isn't he? So whatever he was doing that lasting him that long didn't pay off in the long run. Hm.
I wonder what his name is?
Well, I'll probably never find out. So I'll name him myself. How about. . . Larry? No. Billy? No, no, Jerry? Jerry the Family Killer. Yeah, that sounds nice. Jerry it is.
I snapped my head up as the sounds of doctors and nurses struggling erupted my thoughts. I heard shouts and loud bangs coming closer towards my cell.
"Get him in! Hurry! I'm not sure how much longer we can hold him! Hurry!" a doctor panicked.
I heard the sound of a door roughly being ripped open and someone being thrown in a cell. "I'll kill you all! I'll kill all you fuckers! You fucking bastards!" an unfamiliar voice roared in anger. He must be the new guy, or as I know him, Jerry.
I heard the sound of chains being clicked together and feet rushing out of the room, followed by angry shouts and curses from Jerry. Then, I heard the sound of a door being slammed shut, which sounded like it was right next to my door, and relieved sighs from the doctors.
"Well done, men. That should keep him locked in nice and tight for a while." one of the doctors said, sounding exhausted.
      Then they left, leaving Jerry alone in his cell screaming endless curses; and damn he's loud. I'll bet that the patients at the top floor of this place could hear him.
      "I'll find all of you! I'll find you all and gut you fifty times in the goddamn throat!" That didn't make any sense. You can only gut someone in their gut. "You all will die! Do you hear me? You will all DIE!"
      Then there was silence. He didn't say a word after that, just breathed heavily due to yelling for ten minutes strait, which is a pretty long time to scream at someone without taking much of a breath in between threats that didn't even make any sense.
      "Fuck. . . Fuck." he finally whispered.
      Well, that sounded eventful. Looks like I've got quite the neighbor. Should I say hi? No, he sounds pretty pissed off, I probably shouldn't bother him until tomorrow, maybe.
      Yeah, tomorrow I'll say hi. Sounds great.

Corrupted (Jeff the Killer Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now