Chapter Two

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Doctor's POV
      "How's patient 3607 been doing lately?" my boss, Mr. Vanderbilt, asked, looking strait ahead at our new patient, Jeff, who I just saw in session. But he was taking about a different patient. Emily.
      "Um, just fine, actually. The chains are holding her up pretty well, she hasn't been able to attack anyone. I can't recall her trying to attack anyone in the past week, actually." I reported.
      Vanderbilt hummed. His deep brown eyes scanned Jeff up and down in thought. He was wearing his deep blue flannel today with a pair of black slacks. It made his white and grey hair stand out. He was quite fit for a 57 year old man, which made him all the more intimidating.
      He adjusted his glasses. "And this new patient, 4057, um, Jeffrey Woods, am I correct?"
      "Yes sir."
      "How was he Yesterday after they brought him in?" He questioned.
      "Well he was quite hostile, but he made no real attempts to attack anyone. I don't imagine him not trying to attack in the future, however." I recalled all of his threats that he screamed at us earlier. His healing cuts in his cheeks and round, unblinking eyes and messy black hair was very unsettling. And his violent behavior makes all of it much worse. He is quite frightening to say the least, and I don't usually say that about the patients that I've seen.
      "Well, I'm asking you this because I have an odd idea. I'm not sure how it would work, but it might just. . . work. Somehow."
      I looked at him for a second. "Um, what might work, sir?"
     He paused for a moment. "What if we put him and Emily in the same room? What do you think would happen?" he turned to look at me after he asked the question.
      I thought about it for a moment. "Putting two murderers in the same room? Well, I'd imagine they'd either get along or hate each other.  Why do you want to put them in the same room?"
      "What if a psychotic mind could somehow cure another psychotic mind? Whether they realize their curing each other or not, do you think it's possible?" He questioned further.
      "Well," I thought hard about it. This is crazy! So many bad things could happen if you put two monsters in the same room; but, maybe he's on to something. "It would be an odd method to try, but if they are both chained up, I don't see why we shouldn't try it for at least a day to see how they get along."
      "It's done then. Tomorrow we put patient 4057 in with patient 3607." Vanderbilt stated as he walked out of the room.
      I looked at Jeff through the glass. I remember Emily getting along just fine with other patients before she was brought down here. Jeffrey, however, we have no idea how he gets along with others. Would he threaten them? Emily would just laugh. Perhaps they would just mock each other and try to get under each other's skin; but, how could they cure each other? Would one pity the other and try to make it right with them? But they're both insane! They wouldn't know how to cure someone. I have no idea what is going thought Vanderbilt's head, but whatever it is has never failed on us before. I can only hope that it goes the way he wants it to. And who knows? Maybe they do end up helping each other in a way that us doctors never could. This is the one method that we've never tried before on difficult patients. Maybe it's what we've been missing all along.
      Let's just pray this doesn't end up as a total disaster.

- a short chapter, but it's just setting up the main story thats coming up! See you there ~

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