Chapter Three

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"Okay. Tell me more. Why hasn't this happened before?" I asked Cole before we'd even reached my room. He rose his eyes up to meet mine but once again, he was silent.  "C'mon, Cole! I'm dying here...okay not literally. " I added when I saw his concerned expression.

He relaxed, but didn't answer my question. Instead he commented on my room and how blue it was. I have to admit, it is a very light blue, about the same color as his eyes. Then he ruffled my bedspread and leans up against my pillow, smiling. "I like your Style, My Lady."

I sighed, "Okay, Cole. Here's the thing. If we're going to keep you 'normal' you have got to stop saying that!" I told him. He looked scolded for a minute then continued playing with my stuffed bear I'd named One-eye a few years ago.

"Sierra." He said, all matter of fact. "Every other queen I've served would have been pissed if I called them by their first name." He smiled, "That is what sets you from the rest of tyem. You are especially unique, Sierra."

"You swear?" I found myself, stupidly asking instead of something important like 'why isn't he still protecting his other queens?'

"I am a part of you. I know your like and dislikes but every once in a while I know your thoughts. Which makes me answer the question you were thinking.  They all died. I had tried but failed to protect my Queens. It was my other me. An evil me." He stared down at his hands and sighed. "I am a failure. I came to you to try to regain..." Cutting off with a gut wrenching sob, he brought his hands to his face.

There was nothing I could think of to soothe him. I wished I had the guts to tell him it wasn't his fault but in a way, it was. He had to kill a different form of himself. Surely he would've been able to do it?

After half an hour of his cries becoming more and more annoying, my Mother poked her head in my room, staring at Cole with a sort of detached look, as though she couldn't take it.  He looked up and She broke eye contact with him to look at me, begging me to quiet him. A second later she shut the door and I heard her collect her keys to her car and drove off.

"Cole..." I managed to whisper a moment later. I hated seeing anyone cry, even if it was part of me. "Cole. Mistakes happen. Anyone would've messed up. I know I would."

With a terrible groan, he looked at me, "Do you not get it yet?" He asked, glaring at me. "It is because of you! I act as you would act!" He shook and brushed past me and down the stairs. I hears the front door open and slam shut before realization overcame me and I bolted after him, calling his name over and over but not hearing or seeing him.  


I know. What is with these incredibly short Chapters?! I'm sorry but I am sort of trying to create suspense (and probably failing)  I know this is going to back fire on me but please can you tell me what you think in the comments? I will not judge yoy by your comments.

Thanks guys for reading this...

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