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Rex had just woken up, he didn't have a home or anything so he kept traveling from shelf to shelf, building himself a make due house with spare bricks each night. He was ready to leave again so with a punch to the wall his makeshift home came tumbling down. Letting out a sigh he took a glance out of the window. He wanted a plan, a plan to make everyone suffer the same fate that he did. He sort of wished he could just go back in time and make himself not even bother to rescue his friends. But that's when it hit him. Time travel... what if he got his past self... what if he tricked his past self into putting the others into misery. The thought brought a smile upon his face and he rubbed his hands together. He needed a time travel device, and he remember he saw some time travel builds a few days ago, he just needed to use those parts to make a time travel space ship of his own. He quickly set off, ready to send his plan into action.

Lucy rubbed her eyes. She raised herself from her bed and sighed. She ruffled her blue hair and let out a yawn. The events from last night still made her unstable. She imagined finding emmet again one day, but not like this? What happened to him? He grew up.. ALOT... she shuddered feeling the pain from emmets hits to her last night. She let herself sit and think things out for a while but her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at her door. "Y-yeah?" She called out. She saw sweet mayhem peek into Lucy's room. "Is everything okay? You never usually wake up this late??" Lucy blinked and looked at her wall clock which read out 12:15. "Oh i uhh.. must have just had a good dream." Sweet mayhem bit her lip and sat herself beside lucy. "I.. i heard what happened last night.. you don't have to talk about it but... just know that he won't be a problem anymore! Were sending all out the guards in the entire systar system after him!" Lucys eyes widened and she struggled to quickly find words. "S..sweets no you can't!! He's not a threat!!" Sweet mayhem winced at her words. "Lucy he hit you! Multiple times! Is that not a threat to you???" Lucy didn't want to tell her who the stranger really was, so it was hard to find the right words to convince her. "Sweets, please.. listen you.. just... please! Tell the guards to come back just trust me!" She choked out. Sweet mayhem squinted. "Did he hit you in the head too?? I'll call Balthazar to do some extra spa treatment on you today, clear your head of what ever outrageous thoughts you keep having!" But before lucy could say anything mayhem had already pulled out her phone and was out the door. Lucy gulped. She needed to find emmet again and warn him, or at least try to.. she wanted a proper explanation and she wanted to just finally see him again.. even if he was completely different, she wasn't going to just give up on him after wall these years. She quickly got up and packed a bag, throwing some spare hoodies, some weapons, and last but not least, the picture of emmet and her that she kept in her hoodie pocket. She changed into a new hoodie, this one was made by the queen as a gift for her home here. It was basically the same but it just had more glitter. She pressed her window open and escaped. She couldn't let anyone know what was going on.

Rex walked around on his newly built ship. He was proud, and he had built it pretty fast too. He walked to the control panel and ran his hand along the shiny bricks. His eyes gained a sense of hunger and eagerness for revenge. But he wasn't sure if he should take off just yet, he still wanted to make sure everything was stable and ready. He turned around and was yet again amazed by the largeness of his ship. He decided to name it the rexcelsior, it fit the large fist shaped ship perfectly. In fact the ship was so large he needed a crew to help him control it. He wanted to pick up some raptors, they were perfect! Easy to train and they didn't have to talk to you! Spare him the pain of having to interact with people again.

Lucy was out of breath by the time she climbed up to the top of a shelf, but she quickly let out a gasp at the humongous ship infront of her. It had the same blues as emmets vest last night, so she figured this had to belong to him. She hesitantly walked up to one of the many entrances and tried to open it but she had no luck. She cautiously knocked on the door. She wasn't sure how emmet would react at all, maybe he'd hurt her again, or maybe he'd be civil, but she needed to try everything she could. She waited for a while but got no response. She raised a fist up to her chin. She'd have to try and find an alternative entrance inside. She walked around until she saw a small window. She took both her hands and unconnected the brick, she slipped inside and placed the brick back on. She backed out until she found herself on the floor. She got up and looked around, it looked like a bed room of some sort, there was a bed and some posters of "back to the future" what ever that was. She silently crept up to the door but fell back when the door was swung open. She panicked when she was face to face again with rex. "Wh.. what are you doing here?!!? How'd you get in!!" He hissed. She winced at how rough and raspy he got his voice to become, there really was nothing left of his former self anymore." She got up and stood tall."emmet please liste-." "Rex." He cut her off. "My name is Rex dangervest now." They both stood there in silence. "I want you to get the hell off my ship before i break you." He warned stepping closer. She shook her head. "Em-.. rex.. please i just want to understand what happened.. why are you being like this???" She sighed. Rex's eyes turned to slits. "You... forgot about me... you and the others... I ruined my life to save yours and after i get stuck under dry-ar you all forget that i ever even existed!! You never cared !! Never bothered! You only cared about your new friends and your new little perfect life!!" He roared. Lucys heart dropped. After rex went silent she shook. " you think... I forgot about you??..." she stepped angrily closer to him. "Every single night! I went out on a search to find you! EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!" She hissed. Rex's brows furrowed. She continued "I've looked everywhere, but i never gave up! Ever since day one I've never stopped searching for you.. I always told myself that you were out there somewhere! And that I would never stop searching for you until I found you! Even if you were in multiple pieces or still together! I'd never gave up..." she choked out, tears starting to form. Rex's eyes widened. She pulled out the image of her and emmet from her book bag and shoved it towards rex. "I've kept this memory of us, I looked at it every night to fill me with new hope!" Rex looked at the photo in her hand and the old emotions he'd experienced under dry-at took over again. He shakily took a breath. "Okay but if you cared... it doesn't mean the others cared..." lucy looked up at him again and placed a hand on his shoulder which he quickly shook away. "They talk about you! They miss you! Sure they never bothered looking as much as i have but I'm the one who never gave up..." she shut her eyes tight, trying not to let any tears out. "Rex please... I miss you so much... so much that it hurts.. and now that I've found you... I can't even bare to lose you again." Rex's eyes widened. He stood in silence but lucy couldn't keep the tears in any longer. They streamed down her face, her mascara started to run. Rex didn't want his old emotions coming back, he wanted to hate lucy! He didn't want to love her again! But this... changed everything... and after lucy shut her eyes again she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to meet Rex's eyes. She could see the hurt in his as well. He wiped away her tears with his other free arm and pulled her into an embrace. Rex's own tears started to fall as well. "Lucy i... You hurt me so much... but i love you... i can't ever stop loving you... i miss what we had... i really REALLY miss life before the aliens came..." he had to stop to hold his breath. Lucy looked up at him. Emmet or not she still loved him.

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