Leaving dry-ar

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"Grow up!!" "You're too weak!! You'll probably be the first to die!" "Why is he so soft?? Aren't you worried Lucy??" "Lucy needs to be with someone stronger, i think batman was perfect." "Emmet, can you try to toughen up a bit... for me...?" The words violently rang through emmets head, each word taking another painful hit to his emotions. He tried to hold himself together again but his emotions were too much to be trapped up inside again. With a painful shout his eyes instantly turned into waterfalls. He choked on his own sobs, each sob started to suffocate him. He was constantly angry at himself, for not being the tough guy everyone needed him to be, it was all his fault that the others got taken, and now he's blaming himself for being stupid and crashing his unstable house rocket. He blamed himself for being forgotten. "There was nothing memorable about me, they had every right to forget me." He told himself constantly. Each day was the same, he'd unfortunately wake up and start thinking on his past life, he'd try and think of all the good times he had with his friends, but those memories were very distant and painful. A loud roaring made emmet try and cover his ears, but he couldn't' move if he wasn't connected to any lego pieces. So he shut his eyes as tight as possible. The dangerous storm of Dry-ar started again, it would happen quite often, dry-ar would start rumbling and thrashing, a heat wave from the back would happen as well. Emmet started shaking. He hated the storms under dry-ar, they were so horrific. He tried humming to the tune of everything is awesome. And soon enough his misery put him back to sleep.

But after a few more years this sadness and guilt started turning into violent rage and anger. "How could she forget me. Did what we had mean nothing to her???" His memories were very faint at this point. He had nothing but anger towards his so called friends. After everything he did for them, he saved the world for fucks sake! And this is how they repay him?? They completely forget about him and move on with their pathetic lives?? Every so often he could turn his head to see the others, playing and partying together at the hands of a monster. This only made him worse. And his whole body shook with rage. "THEY NEVER FUCKING CARED." "LUCY USED ME." "HOW COULD THEY FORGET ME." "I can't believe i even gave up my life to try and save theirs." There were no more tears that could come out of emmet, his mind was completely corrupted. He couldn't stand looking at the others any more and whipped his head away to stare at the abyss of dry-ar. His eyes sharpened. He needed to get out of here, he couldn't take it anymore. But he didn't want to act on it right now, so he closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep again. What emmet missed when he turned his head was lucy who snuck away from the party, a painful distant look on her face. She stared at dry-ar. "Oh emmet... where are you..." she looked back at her friends who were partying and sighed. She reached into the pocket of her hoodie to pull out an old crumpled up and stained photograph of her and emmet. She gave a smile at the picture and slid it back into her pocket. She tensed. "I'll never stop looking for you emmet." She looked back to make sure her friends weren't paying attention and when she saw them being busy with the queen she hopped off the ledge and out into the real world. She did these journeys every night, and each night she left to a new area, searching as hard as she could for emmet. But there was still no luck.

Today was the day. Emmet slammed his lego claws on the ground, and with a powerful shock he started to move. He raised his hands and with a violent thud he went flying again. A few more fist slams and he had slid himself out of dry-ar. Emmet painfully opened his eyes to the sunlight, It had been five whole years since he'd seen it, and his eyes were not going to adjust anytime soon. He struggled to lift himself up. He glanced around at the pathetic sight in front of him. In the distance he saw his old home, appocolypseburg. He laughed. "Those backstab eras are really going to regret what they've done." He looked down at himself to see his worn out vest. He cringed, he hated thinking about himself because he absolutely despised himself. Being under dry-ar let him never look at himself for 5 years, and he was thankful for it. Anything that reminded him of who he was was painful and only caused emmet to rage more. He didn't even like referring to himself as emmet anymore. He decided to just call himself with pronouns rather than a name for now. He continued walking around. He found himself stumble upon what seemed to be mini storage shelves, he curiously threw himself up on a wire that lead to the top and climbed his way up. When he arrived at the top he grinned, there was an arrangement of torsos and hair, he could finally change into a new outfit, his old orange safety vest was so torn and faded, there was holes in the back and the grey stripes were barely visible anymore. With a swift movement he threw his orange safety vest away. He dug around through the different clothing until his eyes became locked upon a blue safety vest. He lifted an eyebrow at this but immediately picked it up, this vest was just perfect for him. He quickly slipped it on and tried looking around for anywhere he could see a reflection of himself. He spotted a window and casually walked up to it. He turned in different angles to see how the new vest fit him. It fit him perfectly but what angered him is his hair. He instantly ruffled it until he got a hairstyle he liked. He eventually ruffled it into a hair style that was swift. He liked it. He was pretty happy with himself now, the new look gave himself a tough vibe, and that's exactly what he needed now that he knows how the world REALLY works. He kept adventuring on, he came across a marker and drew some snazzy cheekbones and stubble on his face. He sat down at the edge of one of the shelves and gave his new vest a good look again. He examined the green "R" that was embroidered into it. Maybe this could stand for his new name. He gave some thought to what could possibly be a good name for him that started with R. "Randy... Rowan...??" Those didn't sound tough at all. He looked up and in the distance he saw a land with some raptors and other dinosaur species. His eyes lit up when he grabbed his vest again. "Rex... OH! I got it... it can stand for.. Radical... emmet.... x-treme!" And with a evil grin he pushed himself up to his feet and stood looming over the world below. "Watch out everyone... Rex dangervest is coming to town..."

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